
转载-标题: 惊天丑闻撕开黑幕:中国政治犯们,是如何在美国被敲骨吸髓的 (269 reads)


(2008-04-08 07:15:13) 下一个

 (博讯北京时间2008年4月08日 转载)
    来源:重庆晚报 http://www.peacehall.com/news/gb/misc/2008/04/200804081327.shtml

    每天上午,夏淑清夫人都是行色匆匆,因为捡完碎玻璃,她还得回家给母亲做饭。从高家坪到滩子口,往返六七公里路,尽管夏淑清夫人紧赶慢赶,回家一般已是下午一两点。运气好的话,她一上午能捡到几十公斤碎玻璃。做好中饭端到母亲床前,夏淑清夫人还得简单清理上午捡的废品,归类放好。下午3点左右,她会沿着上午的路线再走一趟,这次,主要是沿途捡拾塑料瓶、废纸张等。 _(网文转载) (博讯 boxun.com)

82 years old old too Harvest waste product support 103 year old mother(chart)
(The abundant news Beijing standard time on April 08, 2008 reprints)
    Origin: Chongqing evening news
     Core prompt: Chongqing 182 year-old old too depend upon Harvest waste product supports oneself and 103 year-old mother. Walks every day for ten hours, the month income insufficient hundred Yuan, 10 years not truly have fried the vegetable. 

    82 years old old too 拾荒 support 103 year old mother
     Mrs Xia Shuqing sells the newspaper in the recycling center 

    82 years old old too 拾荒 support 103 year old mother

     This is she uses when the free time the interplanting vegetable 

    82 years old old too 拾荒 support 103 year old mother 

     82 year-old summer Shu clear 103 year-old mother
    One day walks for ten hours, 10 years not truly have fried the vegetable... ... In 82 year old Grandma Mrs Xia Shuqing brain, does not have "peacefully enjoys the old age" the concept.
    She The day has not been  bright obtains the gate every day, the middle of the night can go home, does not stop the shuttle to pile, between the trash can to each trash ---- because, she must use to pick trash the meager income to trade Mi Heyan, supports oneself and 103 year-old mother.
    Each month of income insufficient hundred Yuan
    "6 kilograms (waste newspaper), 9 6 jiao dollars." Received the money from the old trigger, Mrs Xia Shuqing is somewhat disappointed.
    Yesterday, Kowloon slope area Huang Jueping street Gao Jiaping an electric power 4 villages one-story house. White hair gray Mrs Xia Shuqing has used morning time, a pile of high waste newspaper principle is even the room in, after the code puts neatly, with Red rope has carefully bundled. "These newspapers, sufficed me and a mother week-long rice money." Looks reorganizes the newspaper, Mrs Xia Shuqing has beaten the waist which is sore, reveals satisfied smiling.
    Neighbor afterwards, Mrs Xia Shuqing delivers these newspapers a recycling center. "6 kilograms, 9 6 jiao dollars." Received the money disappointedly from the old trigger, Xia Shuqing somewhat: "This was I has picked more than months newspapers, has also been short 3 jiao money compared to on... ... "Mrs  Xia Shuqing walks at the same time, at the same time pulls out a package solid plastic bag from the underclothing ---- one layer upon layer to open, this is her wallet, inside also has 3 Yuan 2 jiao money, is she at present all savings. Mrs Xia Shuqing just will attain 9 Yuan 6 jiao money cautiously admitted, one layer upon layer wrapped securely receives.
    How long hasn't the disappointed expression the face certainly paused in Mrs Xia Shuqing on. Goes home on the road, she does not stop look arounds in all directions, a plastic bottle cap, a small paper carton, all can let her be pleasantly surprised. Mrs Xia Shuqing said that, own gate can along with bring a plastic bag, like this cannot miss makes each cent money the opportunity.
    Recycling center boss the king great ability said that, Mrs Xia Shuqing a month can come to sell 34 times of waste products, about income only 10 Yuan. Mrs Xia Shuqing said that, the king great ability purchasing station left home recently, her majority income came from here. She occasionally also can while convenient sell the waste product in other purchasing stations, but a month income adds the insufficient hundred Yuan.
    Every day walks for ten hours
    Before dawn past 5 o'clock, Mrs Xia Shuqing is The rucksack is shouldered and it goes out.
   Mrs  Xia Shuqing neighbor king cutting edge works in a factory, every day early morning 8 o'clock goes to work, but he gets out of bed ever does not need the alarm clock. Because, lives in next door Grandma Xia before dawn 5 o'clock punctually gets out of bed every day prepares food, so long as leaves time the gate in Grandma Xia gets out of bed, cannot be late.
    "Went late, trash on has been picked by the others." Xia Shuqing said that, for 10 years, she has formed a habit, not How sleeping is late, before dawn 5 o'clock can wake. Lights a fire, The pan is supported on the kitchen range of control where the country stinks on, she only then washes a face. Takes care the mother to eat the breakfast, she in a hurry digs up several again. Past 5 o'clock, Xia Shuqing carries the The rucksack is shouldered and it goes out, in the winter the day has not been putting brightly, does not have the street light the place she frequently is the hands and feet and with can let oneself not trip and fall.
    Kowloon garden ---- Guang Xiacheng the ---- beach spigot, is Xia Shuqing the every day fixed line. In this coarse thread has many glass warehouse and the retail sales, after the daily early morning produces goods can sweep clear many glass fragments, she must catch up with in these retail sales opens in front of the gate to defend in there. Thus, these 1 jiao 4 cent money kilogram glass fragments only then cannot pick by the others.
    Every day the morning, Mrs Xia Shuqing all are go on a trip in a hurry, because picks the glass fragments, she also must go home to the mother prepares food. From Gao Jiaping to the beach spigot, goes and returns 67 kilometers roads, although Xia Shuqing  Makes the best use of the time, goes home general already is afternoon 12 o'clock. The luck good speech, a her morning can pick to several dozens kilograms glass fragments. Completes the lunch end to the mother bed in front of, summer Shu returns the waste product which the simple cleaning up morning picks, the classification puts. Afternoon about 3 o'clock, she can again walk along the morning route, this, mainly is along the way picks ascends to model the glass jar, the waste paper and so on. _ (net article reprint) (abundant news boxun.com)

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  • [ 打印 ]