

不要把退休帐户(ira, 401k, etc.)说得一无是处。

(2012-11-07 10:41:08) 下一个

Q:worry about tax increase on dividedn, capital gain?

A: retirement accts are solutions.  no paper work to file tax every yr.  yes, you will pay tax after age of 59.5.  do you think you can make some money by then?  not mentioning those "some money" is compounding. therefore, more gain, more tax, fair enough, right?  oh, one more thing.  "early withdraw penalty"?   who cares if one can make way more than 10% year after year? 

what to do?   人无远虑,必有近忧。

-  max 401k to welcome any opportunity (change job, layoff, ) of rollover IRA with which one gets more freedom to manage investment accts. more beauty:  both 401k and  IRA are considered "exempt" property from a bankruptcy proceeding and is not part of the estate used to pay creditors.

so don't overlook 401k and IRA while you can enjoy tax deferral.  

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