2011 (80)
2012 (120)
2013 (147)
I totally understand your math here. It makes perfect sense in terms of saving $$. Hedging? I don’t think so. Take a look what Fed has done, especially on Tuesday, Aug 10, 2010?
Why don’t gov reward those who pay their mortgage? As we all know, paying a mortgage on time is homeowner’s obligation. However, gov are using our tax payer’s money to keep rewarding banks on bad decision. So why hurry to pay off mortgage loan? Being responsible? Forget it! I am really sick of it. Our system sucks!
会哭的孩子先吃奶。NND! 是可忍,孰不可忍? 我们的惩罚还轻吗? 不能继续执迷不悟。 上有政策,下有对策。