2011 (80)
2012 (120)
2013 (147)
I don’t know how pple get it calculated. To me, 10% is reachable. Here is how.
everyone can BUY DOWN the tax rate if one would like to spend tax deductible dollars as much as possible, i.e. Sch A, C, D, E, etc. 然而, 省税不省钱。 Are you willing to do so, then? Have you ever heard of this ad - buy more, save more! How the heck could pple save?! I wonder how much 10% tax pay has left you?
You may ask what my point is. 省税不是目的。 不是吗? 还有好多花销是不能抵税的呀。 学会赚钱及花钱(投资),进而积累资本,达到“十年一千万”,才是硬道理啊! :-)
- SS 6.2%, Medicare 1.45%;
- Effective tax rate for both Fed&CA = (form 1040 line 60 + form 540 line 31+ SS+ Medicare) / form 1040 line 22.