(2008-06-09 19:13:07)
Welcome to TakeBackDemocrats.org!
This is a new Political Action Committee for those Democrats who are in the middle politically. You may be a little left of center when it comes to social ideals backing such issues such as social security, health care, civil rights, and other important measures that take care of the average American. You may be a little right of center when it comes to the economy, balancing the budget, national defense, wise foreign policy and other efforts to keep our nation strong. You may count amongst those presidents you admire such leaders as Roosevelt, Truman, Kennedy, Johnson, Carter and Clinton.
We set up this forum to combat the far-left and now MoveOn-org who has periodically dominated the party and tried to thrust upon us the losers in the party, such as Stevenson, Humphrey, McGovern, Mondale, Kerry and now Obama. Everytime we have a candidate who is too far to the left, we lose the general election. This PAC is here to constantly remind the party that we will no longer tolerate this shift to the left and for the near future to tell them to think and elect the candidate for 2008 who received the majority of the popular vote – Senator Hillary Clinton. She has had the election stolen from her through party boss and media damage, corruption in the caucuses by the Obama campaign, and outright theft of delegates by the rules committee taking away those gained through a true reflection of the votes in Florida and Michigan. This cannot stand unchallenged, and we are here to make a stand.
If you are interested in helping out with our campaigns, please contribute for money for ads and promotions, then go to ObamaAlternatives.org, which links to four campaigns designed to show the DNC and super delegates that we are fed up with the corruption and left-domination of the party and we are not going to take it any more!
Sorry to see you felt this way. She lost the campaign, not because it was "stolen from her through party boss and media damage" but her own mistake, according to the majority of experts thought so.
To change the White House is the final goal, so, at least,not helping the republic.