

(2008-03-07 12:07:40) 下一个
汽车年初一坏了engine, 在网上转了好几转,找到一个离我这里2个多小时车程的垃圾场,打电话给他们有一个,说是67k Miles的,当时让他给了我一个vin.


但是今天去拿车,发现发动机的 vin号码跟他原来给我的不一样,给了我一个rebuil的engine,并且换了很多配件. 跟他们说,还威胁说不拿车就打电话找安全,找警察,就先付款把车开了回来.

夸州的,那个厂在IL. 有办法告他们么?
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soullessbody 回复 悄悄话 Make sure that you should not lie to any one during the process.
soullessbody 回复 悄悄话 You already made a mistake by accepting the car. You should have told them go ahead when they said they would call cops.

If you paid by credit card, you can simple call the credit card company and tell them that you want to dispute the charge. The reason can be that you found the repair job was not done right but they refuse to work with you about the problem.

Otherwise, you can complain to the BBB in their city, but I doubt the shop would care about it at all. You can also sue them at the Small Claims Court there.