三位过去的副总统, Al Gore, Dan Quayle,Walter F. Mondale 出席。出席的1,400多人中,有58位参议员,21 位前参议员,数位众议员,英国首相布郎的夫人,北爱尔兰的首相、议会第一副部长,及政界、各界社会知名人士 2004 年民主党的总统候选人,参议员 John Kerry 演员 Jack Nicholson
多位来自不同教堂的牧师出席 波士顿大主教Sean P. O'Malley 主持仪式 Rev. Rev. Mark R. Hession 对肯尼迪参议员的一生做了相当长时间的回顾与赞扬。
奥巴马总统致悼词,高度赞扬肯尼迪参议员的贡献:"The world will long remember their son Edward as the heir to a weighty legacy, a champion for those who had none, the soul of the Democratic Party, and the lion of theUnited States Senate ─ a man whose name graces nearly 1,000 laws, and who penned more than 300 laws himself."
Edward Kennedy Funeral Mass - President Obama Eulogy (Part 1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEee_rAdHfU(Part 2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGnSc4vPwDU