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航空公司提供的机上食品好坏评说-- 真是不看不知道,一看... (图)

(2009-02-02 14:55:13) 下一个

1,受到抱怨的Virgin 航空公司飞机上的食品
2,理查德布兰森爵士-Sir Richard Branson
3 posted pictures from the meal served by Japan Airlines in the first class cabin, between Chicago and Narita chosen as "Meal of the Month," for May 31, 2006. http://www.airlinemeals.net/meals/JapanAirlines371450.htm 

相信在过去5~10 年中乘过若干次飞机的人们,对最近航空公司提供的服务都一定会有感受。尤其是飞机上的食品,这些年来的变化可太大了,从有到无,从可称是美食,到,well,看看纽约时报的文章和读者们的评论,您会想出最好的对应办法的。

如果大家能交流一下自己的感受,恐怕会很有“扬长避短”的实际意义。以往(十多年前)见到的最好的机上食品与服务,一是西北航空公司飞香港、台湾的航班,一是全日空飞亚洲-北美的航班。不但飞机上有懂不同语言的服务人员,提供的饭菜,那可真是色香味俱全,饭前饭后有热毛巾服务。西北航空公司飞台湾的航班不但给经济仓的乘客免费提供开胃酒,晚饭后还有地道的威士忌享受。近年来,中美之间的国际航班越来越频繁后,几乎所有飞中国航线的航空公司都不再对经济仓的乘客免费提供葡萄酒了。见到的最差的食品,是几年前在联航来美国的飞机上,早餐是一小盒方便面,从来没吃过只有酱油味道的方便面。晚饭则是加了很多CHESS 的面条,不想吃这么多的CHESS?那就只剩下喝水了。另外,也是在这次从芝加哥至北京的联航航班中,机长在发现有一个卫生间出现故障后,决定用一个半小时飞回安卡拉奇检修,然后又飞回旧金山,再更换飞机与整个机组人员继续去北京,整个行程长达20多小时。联航,BYE BYE 了,您呐。

纽约时报的旅行专栏今天对飞机上提供的食品有篇短文,提到英国的 Telegraph 报最近发表了一位对在从孟买到伦敦的Virgin 航空公司飞机上的食品极为不满的乘客,Oliver Beale ,给总裁理查德布兰森爵士-Sir Richard Branson 的抱怨信。认为机上食品这个话题已成为互联网上一个小小的引人注目的现象,其背后有很好的理由。

-- “看看这个,理查德。只要看看它: [见图1 ] 我相信同样的问题会经过您才华横溢的脑子,就像这个问题在那个悲惨的日子经过我的脑子一样。这是什么?为什么给我这个? 我究竟做什么了而得到这样的待遇?瞧,哪一个是 开胃的,哪一个是甜食? 您之所以得到这样的位置,理查德, 是出于您具有丰富的观察能力,所以我知道您肯定会发现在两块黄色的海绵样物体旁边左侧的西红柿。是的,它们就在海绵状物体旁边,没沾上绿色的糊糊。这肯定是线索,不是吗。有理智的人不会把西红柿当作甜食来提供,是不是。那么回答我这个问题,理查德,什么样的ANIMAL-动物/家伙会把豌豆放在甜食里。”--


1, It's a flight, a means of transportation. It's not a restaurant, diner or cafeteria. Why some travelers are so obsessed with airline food or compelled to open their brought-aboard delicacies the minute a plane reaches 10,000 feet remains a mystery. Other than providing a limited diversion while on a five- or ten-hour flight the requirement that a passenger be fed a memorable meal is redundant at best.- Posted by lyle gary west palm beach, fl

2, I wish I could afford to fly to India who cares about the food! - Posted by Cynthia



That yellow spongy thing looks suspiciously similar to Dhokla, a Gujarati (Indian) dish that is savory, and not a dessert. Wikipedia has a description of the dish. It's usually served as a snack, and if served with dinner would probably be eaten as the starter. Peas and raw tomatoes with dhokla would be unusual, but not necessarily a bad pairing.- Posted by Rohit Singh

Meatballs with tomato sauce on top of white rice anyone?

in the late '80s and early '90s, the only meal served on a nonstop Moscow-Vladivostok flight - nine hours - consisted of one wing of a chicken that I suspect died of natural causes, a slice of black bread, one very hard boiled egg, all washed down with a little bottle of sulfurous mineral water.

Eastern Airlines, late 1970's from Miami to Boston. Still-frozen pancakes and grapefruit juice.

I was served beef that was just about raw. I sent it back twice to be cooked longer then gave up and ate it. The result? Food poisoning at 30,000 ft with the most unsympathetic flight crew you can imagine.

American has become so disgustingly cheap that proper meals in coach to Hawaii are no longer even available. You have to buy some kind of cheap do-it-yourself boxed lunch or starve for eight hours.- Posted by Spector

The last time we flew to Hawaii on Hawaiian they served this unappetizing pasta dish and a dried bagel with a slice of pressed turkey in it. It was dreadful.

最让人捧腹的是下边这条评论,乘客以为在三明治中咬到的硬东西是鸡骨头呢,结果是钉书钉,还真庆幸不是自己的 4岁孩子吃到:

My highlight was last week, on an Air Canada flight from JFK to Calgary. I had a chicken sandwich, when I bit on something that I first thought was a bone. It turned out to be a staple. I was just glad it was me and not my 4-year old who had to experience this.- Posted by Lars


Continental offers vegetariansà..a slab of unflavored tofu sitting on top of lima beans and cornàfor breakfast!!!

On American Airlines going from Boston to London, I was served tofu on a stick. Disgusting!!! And I was a gold member of the frequent flyer club at the time. So much for airline loyalty.

A recent BMI flight from Tel Aviv to London included a plate of grey scrambled eggs and reminded me why we shouldn't regret the loss of meals on airlines in the states.- Posted by Kathy


1My worst ever airline meal was on a cross-country USAirways flight about 15 years ago. Back then, the airlines served actual meals, and I called ahead to request a vegetarian one. It was cold and it came in a box. There was a thick layer of dust on the box and it turned my fingers black when I touched it. Inside I found a dried-up wedge of plastic-wrapped cheese, a package of crackers, and an envelope of beef boullion powder (remember, this was supposed to be a vegetarian meal). I was ravenous by the time I got off that plane. - Posted by MichelleH

2,What I received looked like dog food heated and placed on top of rice. Being allergic to bell peppers I had to refuse the meal as this was the primary ǒvegetableō though no vegetables were in their natural state. - Posted by Tracy

The worst airline meals are the ones served in Business class - when I am sitting in coach! Ice cream and fresh baked cookies! Agony to see the people up front actually enjoying their meal.- Posted by Ben

Air Canada - by far the worst airline food ever. For a time in the mid 90s Air Canada served what my family came to call ǒOrangeō. It was either chicken or beef (no difference in taste or texture - just one was darker than the other) with 2 oz of wallpaper paste mashed potato, and some tinned peas - all covered with a brilliant neon orange sauce that indelibly stained anything it touched. If you look carefully at the seats in some of ACs older jets you can still find the ghostly traces of Orange-past. - Posted by Sian

火车的食品也不一定就好,幸亏早就谢绝 hotdog 了,
Does Amtrak count? I once purrchased a hotdog in the dining car, took it back to my seat, bit into it and discovered that it was filled with green mold. It was one of those stomach -churning moments, but it was als an occasion for wonder bordering on the mystical. After all, this was a hot dog. Given the ratio of preservatives to meat in the average sausage, what happened on that fateful day was on the order of winning the lottery. Where did that dog come from, I wondered. Was it perchance a government warehouse containing the last rations from the Spanish American War? A moldy hot dog. Someone had to have put a great deal of effort into getting it to me in that condition.Amtrak, you're #1. - Posted by Willy S.



1The last flight I took was Asiana and their food (especially the Bi Bim Bop) was very delicious. I highly recommend flying with them.When flying to Europe do so on KLM. I've traveled a lot over many years & found KLM had the best so far.

2,When flying to Europe do so on KLM. I've traveled a lot over many years & found KLM had the best so far.

3 I remember the days on Braniff International and even American being served meals in coach on plates with cups and silverware on two hour flights down to Dallas!

Took an intra-China flight from Shanghai to Beijing. A little less than three hours. They served food! And a beer, without charge! In the coach cabin!! - Posted by flyer


I keep my expectations between low and zero and plan ahead. My standard travel pack-along food:

1] A few apples;

2] A couple tuna snack packs (pre-mixed tuna+crackers);

3] My custom trail mix, consisting of a cup of dried cherries, a cup of unsalted macadamia nuts & a cup of dark chocolate chips - Posted by Dr. Bob



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