(2009-01-14 14:19:09)
今天纽约时报报导,联邦检察官指控黑石集团-Blackstone 33岁的常务董事 Ramesh Chakrapani 几年前参与内幕交易, 获利三百六十万美元 。如今,在一再发生丑闻的华尔街上,三百六十万美元本已经不是一个足以令人谈论的数字,如果不是发生在黑石集团这样一个曾经以收买/转卖其它公司的成功使人侧目的公司的话。
在读者的评论中,有位Lyle Vos 猜测,这个33岁的常务董事恐怕是耶鲁大学毕业的,因为耶鲁大学毕业的白领罪犯涉及的金额会低于一千万美金,如果是哈佛毕业的白领罪犯,胃口会在两千五百万美金以上。这听上去象是没有根据的笑话。
没想到,不到一小时,另一位读者 Jeremy 证实,他从黑石集团尚未完全清除的网上信息发现,Lyle Vos 真猜对了,Chakrapani 的确是耶鲁大学经济学与国际问题研究专业毕业的。这种区别以前还真不知道呀!看来耶鲁大学毕业的不光是做美国总统不行,连白领罪犯和哈佛比都是小巫见大巫。
#13. January 14th,2009,1:47 pm
A greedy banker enriching himself at the expense of others? This cannot be. I wonder if this alleged felon went to one of those schools where they train white collar criminals such as Yale or Harvard. I suspect Yale since it was a crime of under 10 million. Harvard felons shoot for over 25 million.
Posted by Lyle Vos
#28. January 14th, 2009, 2:34 pm
To Lyle Vos (posted at 2:13pm) - How did you know??? I did a quick search on his name and though Blackstone has pulled down his PDF profile, the HTML version is still visible. To your point: “Mr. Chakrapani received a BA in Economics and International Studies from Yale University.”Well played, sir!
Posted by Jeremy
Blackstone Executive Is Charged With Insider Trading