StillH2ORunDeep (热门博主)
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(2008-11-06 18:56:06) 下一个
争取第一名。First In Line
These residents of Dixville Notch, New Hampshire, are lined up to vote at the stroke of midnight. By local custom, the residents of the small town ─ population 75 ─ leave their polling station open for one minute, thereby granting them bragging rights to claim that they are the first in America to have election results. This year, Obama beat McCain by a tally of 15 to 6.
肯塔基州Rabbit Hash的选民等在商店外边投票。Kentucky Votes
Citizens of Rabbit Hash, Kentucky wait outside the general store in early morning hours to cast their ballots.
首都的队伍。Capital QueueVoters in the District of Columbia line up outside a polling station.

设在洗衣房的投票站。Wash Dry and Vote
A voter casts her ballot at the Su Nuevo Laundromat in Chicago, Illinois.
设在车库的投票站。Polling Place
In Des Moines, Iowa, Beverly Carper's garage doubles as a voting station.
Voters wait to cast their votes in Arlington, Virginia.
这恐怕是最小的投票站了。Small Quarters
Residents of Smut Eye, Alabama will vote in this metal storage shed.
几乎每个大点的投票站都有法官在现场对出现的问题与争议做裁决。Election Judges
Angela Turner, a presiding election judge, answers voters' questions at a precinct voting station in Cleveland, Ohio.
Voters in at this voting station in Phoenix must walk a gauntlet of campaign signs.
他肯定是投自己一票了。Obama Cast His Ballot
The Democratic nominee is joined by his wife Michelle and daughters Malia, left, in brown and Sasha, in red behind him, in Chicago, Illinois.
他给自己投的这一票也于事无补了。McCain Votes
The GOP candidate and his wife Cindy insert their ballots into the box in Phoenix, Arizona.

繁忙的早晨。Busy MorningEvery voting station is in use at this poll in Des Moines.
想的真周到,不必下车就可以投票。Santa Ana, California
Some early voters in Orange County have been able to enjoy the convenience of drive-thru voting.
各地使用不同的投票机。Fairfax County, Virginia and Boston, MassachusettsAdvanced Voting Systems makes the WinVote machine, used in some Virginia counties, left; In Boston, right, a poll worker inserts a ballot into an AccuVote scanner.
老年选民需要帮助。Houston, TexasAn elderly voter seeks help in using an eSlate voting machine.

历史的记录。Historic Day
Officials at this polling station estimate that 90 percent of eligible voters will cast their ballots today. 图片来自时代周刊网页
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