

(2008-02-29 08:03:11) 下一个
这件事已让我伤感了一个星期.已通知我妈帮我按100美元捐款.和我妈的沟通更让我担忧.沟通了两次.她第一次还边听边笑.第二次我说我已经伤心了24小时以上了,她才严肃.一听说要捐款,我妈说;她不需要钱,没钱没大人管可以在地上爬.这正是我最担心的.我妈也算有些文化有些素质的了,况且这样说这样想,乖乖的父母和更老一辈呢 让我们不要让乖乖没钱没大人管地在地上爬吧.


On Feb 24 at 9:47am, an old man placed a little girl under the wheels of a moving train at a train station in Chongqing, China. The girl\'s legs were crushed.

The old man was arrested by the police with the assistance of a peasant worker on the site. According to some witnesses, the old man was with an old woman. Somehow, the old woman escaped while the old man was being arrested.

The old man placed the little girl, who was inside a bamboo basket, under the wheels twice. For the first time, he failed. For the second time, the girl\'s legs were crushed immediately. The girl cried and struggled and
managed to crawl out of the basket. When the police came to her, she had lost her two legs and was lying in blood, but her big eyes were still very beautiful and clear.

After simple handling to stop bleeding, the little girl was taken to the emergency room, together with the crushed basket and two cut legs. When she arrived in the hospital, she had already lost too much blood. However, there were not much crying. She simply repeated and repeated: Mama. Hug. Hug.

At around 11:00am, the girl was pushed into the operation room. After anesthesia, she gradually fell asleep. After more than three hours, the girl was pushed out after an operation and 400ml of blood input. She lost her legs forever.

The reporter went to find the girl at 9pm. The child was lying in bed, no crying, no struggling, while the doctors and nurses changed her medications and did other things on her. Till that time, nobody knew her name. The old man said he was the girl\'s paternal grandfather and the girl\'s name was Fei Fei Wang, but nobody could believe his words because nobody could believe a grandfather would never do such a thing. So, she was registered as \'nameless\' in the hospital and because of her loveliness, everybody called her well-behaved.

The old man had an ID card with him, which showed his name is Dao Jin Wang, together with his residence address. After further investigation, the girl\'s parents were contacted and it was confirmed that the old man was the girl\'s paternal grandfather and the girl was named Fei Fei Wang. However, this appeared in the news one day later and everybody got used to refer the girl as \'well-behaed\'.

According to the news, Fei Fei is the elder child of the couple and is now 1 year and 8 months old. Her younger sister is 6 months old. Fei Fei and her sister were taken care of by their maternal grandparents. Recently, Fei Fei\'s paternal grandfather Dao Jin Wang indicated he wanted to take Fei Fei to his home in Guizhou Province, China. The parents agreed and had the paternal grandfather live with them in Fei Fei\'s maternal grandparents\' house in Sichuan province for around half a month before they bade farewell to Fei Fei and her paternal grandfather on
Feb 23 at a local train station. Nobody expected that Dao Jin Wang would commit such a crime to poor yet very strong and lovely Fei Fei on the way from Sichuan to Guizhou. The crime happened after they traveled for some distance and they got off the train before they arrived in Guizhou. The police indicated that the old man might have some mental disorder but no ordinary person believes that. According to the train schedule, the train which Fei Fei took arrived in Chongqing at around 5am and the crime happened at around 10am. When he put the poor girl under the wheels he did it so fast that nobody had time to respond and he tried to run away after that. It is obvious he did it purposely and he was conscious that he could be arrested for the crime. He also indicated to the police that he would die at most for putting the girl under the wheels. How can such a man have mental disorder!

The girl\'s parents and her maternal grandfather arrived at the police station at around 7:00am on Feb 25. After the police handed the newspaper with \'well-behaved\' s story, the mother slowly glided from the couch to the floor.Her father stood aside, being unable to utter a single word. The maternal grandfather could not believe that the paternal grandfather really did this.The mother said: The two children I bore are both girls. They might not like that. They could not have anything in till noon although they were comforted all the time. At around 1:00pm, the three were helped by the police to the hospital.

Upon arrival at Fei Fei\'s Ward, the mother cried: Fei Fei, Mama is coming to hug you! The parents fell on their knees beside Fei Fei\'s sick bed: We\'re sorry. We\'re sorry. Perhaps awaken by her mother\'s voice, Fei Fei opened her eyes from her sleep. Her hands, which was tied to the bedframe, swayed and swayed.

Mama, hug! hug! Fei Fei again uttered the sentence she repeated hundreds of times. Looking at her daughter, who was still provided with oxygen and IV, the mother put her face together with Fei Fei\'s little face and cried again. Mama, hungry. This is her second sentence. The mother immediately took out a bottle and got ready to give her some milk. However, she was not allowed to have milk yet after the operation. The mother could only use a cotton swab to provide Fei Fei with some water. At the time, Fei Fei seemed to have forgotten her pains and smiled.

On Feb 26, the nurse unwrapped Fei Fei\'s bandage to apply new medicatin for her and the mother saw her daughter\'s broken legs for the first time. Holding Fei Fei, the mother wept bitterly. Though no voice, her tears, as big as peas, wettened the collar.

At 3:00pm on Feb 26, the nurse informed Fei Fei\'s mother that she needed to sign a cremation agreement so that Fei Fei\'s two cut off legs could be sent to the funeral home to be incinerated. At 3:30pm, the nurse took Fei Fei\'s mother to see the cut off legs. After 10 minutes, the nurse accompanied the mother, who almost fainted, out. After arrival at the office, the mother burst into tears: The shoes were bought by me just before the Chinese New Year. I myself put them on for her. Daughter, how many times did I kiss your little feet! After the mother calmed down a little, the nurse took out the cremation agreement and asked her to sign it. Suddenly, the mother became out of control: She walked on the floor just days ago! After anothe 20 minutes\' crying, she said: I want to bury. I don\'t want to incinerate. She begged the officers: Can I taken them back home and bury them She was told:No. The hospital can only keep them for 7 days and you cannot take limbs on a vehicle.\' The mother still did not sign the agreement. She asked
for several more days to think about it.

On Feb 26, more than 2,000 people went to the hospital to visit poor yet very strong and lovely Fei Fei. Fei Fei has now received more than 50,000 Rmb donation and numerous formular, diapers and toys. Her parents are very thankful for the kindness.

According to some specialist, Fei Fei would need an operation to shorten her growing leg bones each year until she reaches 18 because the skin covering the injured ends will not grow with the bones. She will also need a new pair of artificial legs to match her natural legs till she reaches 18. Fei Fei suffered too much already yet she will still suffer too much in her whole life. The thought makes my heart ache. However, I choose to believe Fei Fei will handle her life nicely and strongly. Young as she is, she is able to endure such a disaster and unthinkable pains. She will be successful in her life!


---To Chongqing Chief Charity Organization, Chongqing Evening News, Yun Fei\'s parents and all the friends who care for and are concerned with Guai Guai\'s life

We do not have the strength to recall your weak cry of the separation of you, a young living thing, with your hasty parents after the holidays and the plan of being arranged to move from a place of hardship to another place of hardship. You might not be able to express it. We do not have the strength to recall your incapability and horror when you were totally betrayed and hurt by your grandfather, who was your whole world and only dependence on your journey, at a strange place. In the cold wind of Chongqing\'s February, when you cried, struggled and crawled out of the bloody bamboo basket, were you coming to us, coming to our tears, infinite love and heart pains? Do you know that we will be worthy of this faint trust? We promise you silently with the softness in our hearts awaken by you! It may be doomed that the fate will not grant you happiness. However, we, your uncles and aunts, will bar all of your future injuries and pains with our not so strong arms. You came to this world. What the fate owes you, we are responsible. How much do we want to embrace you and repay you all!

You made me to cry for one hundred times, \'well-behaved\', because of the love in my heart for you! My heart is broken to two halves. One half is proud of you, and one half is worried for you! Mama, hug. With several characters, you moved one China! You became the never-seperatable darling of the hearts of over 10,000 uncles and aunts, although we preferred nothing had happened, although we preferred that we would never know each other in this life. If one Yuan each person, you will obtain worriless care in your life. However, I worry for you! I, representing numerous friends around me who care for \'well-behaved\', propose to Chongqing Chief Charity Organization, Chongqing Evening News, Yun Fei\'s parents and all the friends who care for and are concerned with Guai Guai\'s living status. I propose to draw better suggestions from the numerous people, for you, for this decade of heated debate of the society\'s bottom morality. \'Well-behaved\' woke up the confidence and sensaion in our hearts that are without difference!

1. Thanks to the big brother and the police who participated in that day\'s rescue and Chongqing Hospital, which treated and rescued her without considering the treatment costs.Saving one person equals to saving the whole world. You walked in the front in awakening this world\'s confidence and hope. Thanks to the brothers and sisters of Chong Qing Babies\' Group. The expectation of the nation\'s friends is on your shoulders. Now, you are closest to the baby; you are the representatives of the majority; you are respected! We hope you can assume more responsibilities!

2. Even if you donate one Yuan, even though you add two posts to the forums where you often go, \'well-behaved\' will not think your contribution is little. At this time, we are most afraid of the criticizers. Put aside temporarily the curses and anger toward the beast; put aside temprarily the big issues of imploring the family planning policy, the thoughts of valuing boys more than girls, and the society\'s morility! We need your hands, your silent support, sincere care and rational attitudes!

3. We expect Chongqing Chief Charity Organization, Chongqing Evening News or other organizations, as strongly requested by numerous friends, to set up a publicaion of donation for rescuing and helping the baby on time under the supervision of the society. Make public the status of donation and expenses so as to increase the soceity\'s confidence in donation and improve the baby\'s living status to the utmost extent. I personally suggest the brothers and sisters of Chongqing Babies\' Group to run and oversee this matter.

4. If we do not gather strenths effectively today, tomorrow we will gradually lose strength! We need more strength! Today, the news about \'well-behaved\' is already not on the homepages of several portals and is starting to fade away from the sights of the public. We hope that, based on the attitude of being responsible for \'well-behaved\', Chongqing Chief Charity Organization, Chongqing Evening News or other organization and representatives of the society\'s friends can set up a working system and communication method to gather people\'s thoughts. Whether it\'s the work of publicizing, the work of using the charity money on the specific matter, or the work of how to manage and how to use, it all needs a unified, long-term, trustworthy working group who can represent the thoughts of the public. This matter is the most urgent currently! The brothers and sisters of Chongqing Babies\' Group, we hope you can realize the importance of this matter.

5. The companies should be brave in assuming social responsibilities and present nice public images. We hope the brand companies can assume the issue regarding \'well-behave\'s family. You can solve problems individuals cannot solve. \'Well-behaved\'s parents are young. Provide them employment opportunities and make up for the unfairness of the baby resulted from them and the fate. We cannot imagine how it will be like if \'well-behaved\' returns to the rural area of Daba Mountain!!!!

6. Can the IT companies provide us a stable, all-covered and long-term communication space to care for the baby\'s growth and custody? It will not be below 100 thousand, even if you expect the flow. She is our baby, we will visit every day. She will also be your most loved. She is so lovely.

7. Do not let this post fall down if you see it. Thank you!
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