

纽约游玩手册 (一)

(2008-09-16 18:04:00) 下一个

New York City’sOfficial Visitor Information Center

810 Seventh Avenue,
between 52nd & 53rd Streets
Tel: 212-484-1222 
Monday to Friday 8:30am to 6pm; Saturday & Sunday 9am to 5pm


New York City’s five boroughs and theirneighborhoods:
The Bronx
Staten Island




 我们起先联系了位于曼哈顿第八大道的B&B, 但是一看条件与期望值相差太大,就立即转赴HolidayInn。价钱贵点,但是停车免费,出行有地铁。很方便。



吃在纽约 (ZT)








五粮液酒家 (近洛克菲勒中心)

36 W. 48th Street 2Fl



绿扬村(Evergreen Shanghai Restaurant & Lounge)

地址:10 East 38th St., New York, NY 10016(Bet. Madison& 5 Ave. Lord & Taylor 对面)

电话:212-448-1199 Fax212-448-1211




227 Lexington Avenue

(between 33th, 34th Street)

New York, NY 10016





最近这次去纽约,给我印象最深的是一家叫鹿鸣春(Joe’s Shanghai)的馆子。那里的蟹粉小笼用料猛,汤汁足,口味绝佳,绝不比上海的南翔台北的鼎泰丰逊色。 这家店在纽约是非常有名的,有两家店面,总店在唐人街,分店(价格贵些)在中城的商业区。虽然鹿鸣春其它的菜还谈不上特别正宗,但在海外旅行,能吃到这么 地道的蟹粉小笼,那感觉是完全不一样的。

24 W 56th St (近B&B

New York, NY 10019, United States

(212) 333-3868



地址:35Pell Street,电话:(212)267-0733



Flushing, 那儿的膳坊, 川霸王, 小辣椒都是正宗川菜啊。


膳舫 (Flushing, NY)



地址:135-15 37th Ave.
Flushing, NY 11354
电话:(718) 888-9388 详情:成都正宗川菜
135-15 37th Ave.,FLUSHING,NY11354


flushing, NY 11354
电话:(718) 762-2664 详情:川霸王是法拉盛著名的川菜馆之一
Golden Monkey of Flushing
 ChineseOriginal Szechuan Cuisine
133-47 Roosevelt Avenue Flushing, NY 11354


地址:135-15 37th Ave., Flushing,电话:(718)886-2121天津狗不理包子已成为津门一绝,享誉海内外,而其开设在纽约法拉盛的分店更是方便了身在海外的华人,使其一享其绝艺。包子没有正宗狗不理 的好,不过擀皮儿的面杖很正宗,呵呵。推荐溜肝尖,小青椒大肠,京酱肉丝(还是豆腐皮的呢),麻酱花卷,如果去的早的话还有早餐,有煎饼果子和嘎巴菜 



法拉盛Main街,靠近Northern Blvd,街东边的《小肥羊》药膳火锅,很有特色。不怕你能吃辣,但是味道比一般四川火锅丰富。










1. NBA Store

666 5th Ave(Fifth Avenue& 52nd Street)
New York, NY 10103

NBA Store General Information: (212)515-NBA1

2. The Staten Island Ferry in Brief: 自由女神像

Want to see the New York Harbor up close? The Staten Island Ferryserves commuters traveling between Staten Island and Lower Manhattan, butvisitors looking to see New York City's workingwaterfront (& the Statue of Liberty) will enjoy the free rideacross the New York Harbor.

Staten IslandFerry Essentials(Free)

8:00-9:30 every quarter minutes, othertime: every 30 minutes

  • Staten Island Ferry Addresses
    • Manhattan: Whitehall and Water St
      New York, NY 10006
    • Staten Island: 1 Bay St.
      Staten Island, NY 10301
  • Staten Island Ferry Phone: 718-815-BOAT
  • Staten Island Ferry Cross Streets In Manhattan, Whitehall and Water Streets, at the water's edge.

Nearest Subways to Staten Island Ferry:

In Manhattan,J or Z to Broad Street;1 or 9 to South Ferry; 4 or 5 to Bowling Green. In Staten Island, Staten IslandRailway to St. George.


3. Central Park Zoo

Location:East Side between 63rd and 66th Streets

- Hours: April - Oct. Monday - Friday 10 am - 5 pm, Weekends 10 am - 5:30 pm;Nov. - March Daily 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
- Admission to Wildlife Center includes admission to Children's Zoo: Adults$8.00; Senior Citizens (65+) $4; Children 3-12 $3.00; Children under 3, Free
- General Information: 212-439-6500



4. Sony Wonder Technology Lab
地址:550Madison Ave.位于56街上

地址:共有40余家分店。诸如49West 57th St. 120 West 49th St.
营业时间:周一至周五10:00─ 19:00 ,周六、周日 10:00 ─ 17:00


5. Children’sMuseum

$9*4 = $36

Store Hours
Tuesday –
Sunday1am – 5pm


The Tisch Building

212 West 83rd Street

New York, NY 10024


6. World-wellknown Buildings:

New York City has many of the world's mostrecognizable buildings and some of the world's most celebrated architecture.Some notable buildings to seek out:

  • Chrysler Building (405 Lexington Avenue),
  • Citigroup Center (153 East 53rd Street),
  • Lipstick Building (885 Third Avenue),
  • Empire State Building (350 Fifth Avenue, 212/736-3100),  8:00 am-2:00 pm


  • Grand Central Terminal (42nd Street and Park Avenue)
  • Rockefeller Center (47th–51st Streets and 5th–6th Avenues, 212/332-6868),
  • 纽约-世界贸易中心遗址 地址:767 5th Ave, New York
  • Seagram Building (375 Park Avenue),
  • 纽约-联合国总部(United Nations)

1st Ave – 46thst.

  • H&M 大卖场

地铁: B,D,F,Q 在洛克斐勒中心 (RockefellerCenter) 下车 

地址:在 St. Patrick Cathedral 对面


  • New York Stock Exchange

Address: 11 Wall Street
New York, NY 10005

New York Stock Exchange Phone: (212) 656-5168

Nearest Subways to New YorkStock Exchange: 2,3, 4 or 5 to Wall Street; N, R or W to Rector Street



 7.Time Square: Toy’s Rus

  • Madame Tussauds New York is located at 234 West 42nd Street (between 7th and 8th Avenues) in the heart of Times Square.Tel: 212-512-9600





 8. The Metropolitan Museum Of Art大都會博物館主館


Monday: Closed (Except
Holiday Mondays)
Tuesday–Thursday: 9:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
Friday and Saturday: 9:30 a.m.–9:00 p.m.
Sunday: 9:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m.

1000 Fifth Avenueat 82nd Street
New York, New York 10028-0198

Information: 212-535-7710
TTY: 212-570-3828


From The Cloisters: Take the M4 bus directly to82nd Street and Fifth Avenue; OR take the A train to 125th Street, transfer tothe B or C local train, exit at 81st Street, and transfer to the M79 crosstownbus across Central Park to Fifth Avenue.

From East Side of Manhattan: Take the 4, 5, or 6train to 86th Street and walk three blocks west to Fifth Avenue; OR take theM1, M2, M3, or M4 bus along Fifth Avenue (from uptown locations) to 82nd Streetor along Madison Avenue (from downtown locations) to 83rd Street.

From West Side of Manhattan: Take the 1 train to86th Street, then the M86 crosstown bus across Central Park to Fifth Avenue; ORtake the C train to 81st Street, then the M79 bus across Central Park to FifthAvenue.

From Penn Station: Take the M4 bus to 83rd Street andMadison Avenue; OR take the C local train to 81st Street and transfer to the M79crosstown bus across Central Park to Fifth Avenue. See the MTA website for bus and subway maps.


From The Cloisters, Bronx, Northern New Jersey, and NewEngland: Take southbound Henry Hudson Parkway to 96th Street exit; crossCentral Park and turn right on Fifth Avenue; enter Museum parking garage at80th Street.

From Brooklyn and Staten Island: Take WilliamsburgBridge, Manhattan Bridge, Brooklyn Bridge, or Battery Tunnel tonorthbound/uptown FDR Drive; exit at 96th Street; turn left on York Avenue;turn right on 86th Street; turn left on Fifth Avenue and enter Museum parkinggarage at 80th Street.

From Southern New Jersey: Take New Jersey Turnpiketo Holland Tunnel–Uptown exit; northbound Hudson Street becomes Eighth Avenue,which becomes Central Park West; at 86th Street, turn right and cross CentralPark; turn right on Fifth Avenue and enter Museum parking garage at 80thStreet.

From Bronx, Queens, Long Island, Upstate New York, andNew England via Triborough Bridge: Take southbound/downtown FDR Drive to96th Street exit; turn left on York Avenue; turn right on 86th Street; turnleft on Fifth Avenue and enter Museum parking garage at 80th Street.

From Queens and Long Island via Queensborough Bridge:Use either level; take right-lane exit onto 60th Street (westbound); at MadisonAvenue, turn right and drive north/uptown; turn left on 81st Street then lefton Fifth Avenue; enter Museum parking garage at 80th Street.


 9The American Museumof Natural History美国自然历史博物馆 


The American Museumof Natural History is located at Central Park West and 79th Street in New York City.



TheMuseum is open daily, 10:00 a.m.5:45 p.m.

Space ShowHours:

Every half hour,10:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. except Wednesdays (first show on Wednesday begins at 11:00 a.m.)
First Friday of every month 10:30 a.m.–7:00 p.m.
Hours are subject to change.


10. Bronx ZOO (Free onWed.)

2300 Southern Boulevard, Bronx, NY, United States

Tel- (718) 367-1010

 Mass Transit

Express Busfrom Manhattan

The BxM11express bus makes stops along Madison Avenue, between 26th and 99th Streets,then travels directly to the Zoo’s Bronx River entrance (Gate B).For your return trip, pick up the bus just outside the same gate at the MTABxM11 sign (just before the underpass).

Click Here for acomplete BXM11 schedule.

Local Buses.

* In the Bronx, take Bx9 or Bx19 buses to 183rd Street and Southern Blvd, which isthe location of the Zoo’s Southern Blvd pedestrian entrance (Gate C). Or takethe Bx12 or Bx22 buses to Fordham Road and Southern Blvd, then walk 5 blockssouth on Southern Blvd to 183rd Street.

* From Queens, you can take the Q44 to 180th Street and Boston Road. You must then walk north(take a right on Boston Road)one block to the Bronx Zoo’s Asia gateentrance (Gate A).


#2 or #5 trainto East Tremont Ave/West Farms Square. At street level, walk straight ahead(follow train uptown) on Boston Road 21⁄2 blocks to the Zoo’s Asiagate entrance (Gate A).


Take MetroNorth’s Harlem line to Fordham, then take theBx9 bus eastward to 183rd Streetand Southern Blvd.


11. Botanical Garden (Free on Wed)

The New York Botanical Garden
200th Street and Kazimiroff Boulevard
Bronx, NY 10458-5126


General Info: 718.817.8700

Automated Info:
Events: 718.817.8777
Directions: 718.817.8779

By Metro-North Railroad: Take the Metro-North Harlem localline to Botanical Garden Station. Walk across Kazimiroff Boulevard to the Garden'sMosholu Gate entrance.
Just 20 minutes from Grand Central Terminal in Manhattan
:9:25 am Grand Central Terminal

By Subway: Take the B, D, or 4 train to Bedford Park Blvd Station. From the stationexit: 
• Take the Bx 26 bus east to the Garden's Mosholu Gate entrance. 
• OR walk eight blocks down the hill on Bedford Park Blvd to the end(approximately 20 minutes). Turn left onto Kazimiroff Blvd and walk one block toMosholu Gate entrance.

For schedules and maps, visit the MTA Web site.


12. Old Westbury Gardens 


71 Old Westbury Road

P.O. Box 430 
Old Westbury, NY 11568

Phone: 516-333-0048 

英国设计师 展皇家风范

被公认为美国境内著名的英国花园的老威斯贝里庄园,系美国金融大亨暨运动健将约翰费比斯(John Phipps,1874-1958,其父为赫赫有名的卡内基钢铁公司的合伙人及慈善家亨利费比斯),为讨他的英国妻子玛格丽塔葛丽丝欢心所建。因此, 1904年破土兴筑的豪宅及园子的造型,在伦敦设计师乔治柯罗里的巧手下,简直就是查理二世时代的风格再现,游客漫步于这占地一百六十英亩的庭园,往往有 如置身欧洲庄园的错觉。事实上,不少去过凡尔赛宫等欧洲名园的游客,都有此庄园不输欧洲任何一家名园的感触。


豪宅古意浓 电影拍外景

豪宅入门处以拉丁文写有「愿来者心情宁静,愿离开时身心健康」(Peace to those who enter, good health to those who depart),虽因它没有像探访欧洲城堡时,有种说不出的神秘古意,但屋内陈设及氛围,很容易让人联想起电影「傲慢与偏见」「理性与感性」的诸多场景。 据园里管理员说,不久前,一部由女星蜜雪儿菲佛及薇诺娜莱德担纲演出的「Ageof Innocence」,就有很多的景系藉此园拍摄的。


小径花木幽 长逾一英里

不过,总的来说,游客最爱的可还是能在总长达一点三英里的花木扶疏小径上,欣赏奇花异草。像一条铁杉长青树步道,乃仿费比斯太太婚前于英国SussexBattle Abbey居住时的一条紫杉步道而设计的,由于它幽静得有些令人毛骨悚然,因而有ghost walk之名。此外,紫丁香步道上既有传统变种花草,亦有色彩缤纷的新款杂种繁殖,每年5月间释放出怡人的香气,皆教人不忍离去。


就在游客围著凉亭、花坛、水池、藤蔓棚间欣赏著鸢尾花、天竺牡丹、飞燕草、秋牡丹、紫萝兰的争奇斗艳间,偶尔可见一些供孩儿们游玩的小木屋。据说费 比斯极钟爱四名子女,有三间小木屋系按照三个儿子玩具屋搭建的翻版,而当掌上名珠佩姬十岁生日时,更为她搭了一间迷你英国式茅草屋,不仅外观有模有样,内 部的家具还一应俱全。


庄园的地址是:长岛 Old Westbury Rd. 71号约在纽约市东部廿哩处。

若自行驱车前往,可上Long IslandExpress-way (I-495高速路),在39出口(Glen Cove Rd.)下,走serviceroad往东开1.1哩后,往右转到Old Wesbury Rd.,再继续开0.4哩,庄园的大门便会出现在你的左边。



Old Westbury Gardens is located at 71 Old Westbury Road, Old Westbury, New York, between the Long Island Expressway (I-495) andJericho Turnpike (New York Route 25), approximately 20 miles east of New York City.


AllBuses, Trucks and Deliveries must enter on 60 Post Road

ClickHere fordirections for Bus, Truck and other deliveries


Directionsfrom New York City

From the Long Island Expressway: Take the LIE (I-495) to Exit 39 (Glen Cove Road).Follow the service road east for approximately 1.1 miles, turn right onto Old Westbury Roadand continue 0.4 miles. The Gardens’ gate is on the left.

From the Northern State Parkway: Takethe Northern State to Exit 32 (Post Avenue). Bear left at end of exit ramp and turnleft onto Post Avenueheading north. Turn left onto Jericho Turnpike (Route 25) and turn right at thefirst light onto Old Westbury Road.The Gardens’ gate is on the right.



13. New York Aquarium (Free start on Friday 3 pm- 6 pm)

 (Ticket 24*2+ 9*2=$42)

New York Aquarium is located on

Surf Avenue& West 8th Streetin Brooklyn, NY 11224.

General Information
(718) 265-FISH

From Manhattan: 
Take the Brooklyn BatteryTunnel (I-478) to the Brooklyn-Queens Expwy (I-278 West). Take Exit22 to the Belt Pkwy East.Take to Exit 7 (Ocean Pkwy). Turn right onto Ocean Pkwy and continue to Surf Ave. to theNew York Aquarium.

From Long Island & Queens:
Take the Belt Pkwy West to Exit 7B (Ocean Pkwy).  Turn left onto Ocean Pkwy andcontinue to Surf Ave.to the New York Aquarium.

From Connecticut, Westchester Countyand the Bronx:
Take the Hutchinson River Pkwy (I-678) South, over Bronx-Whitestone Bridge,and continue south on I-678 (Whitestone Pkwy) to Van Wyck Expwy. Then take Belt Pkwy West toExit 7B (Ocean Pkwy). Turnleft onto Ocean Pkwy.and continue to Surf Ave.to the New York Aquarium.

From Staten Island:
Take the Staten Island Expwy (I-278) East across the Verrazano Narrows Bridge,to Belt Pkwy Eastto Exit 7S (Ocean Pkwy South).Take Ocean Pkwyto Surf Ave.to the New YorkAquarium.

From New Jersey:
Take the New JerseyTurnpike to the Goethals Bridge (Exit 13) to the Staten Island Expwy (I-278). Follow the directions from Staten Island (above) .

Take the F or Q train to the West 8th Street station in Coney Island, Brooklyn.

Take the B36 to Surf Ave. and West 8th Street. Or take the B68 to Neptune Ave. and West 8th St., then walk south along West8th to Surf Ave.(Other bus routes in Brooklyn, as well asbuses from other boroughs intersect with B36 and B68.) Call New York CityTransit Authority for specific routes: 718-330-1234.





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