(2008-02-21 00:02:43)
“1. Many Chinese men and women have an inferiority complex, self hate, and White worship towards Caucasians. This is why Chinese women more easily accept propositions from dorky White guys who are bald, old, fat, wimpy, homely-looking, or social rejects from their home country. It doesn\'t take a genius to realize that these disproportionately attractive pairs are because being \'White\' gives the guy points in the minds of some Chinese. Also, many brainwashed Uncle Tom Chinese will say or do *anything*, including bash their own culture or opposite gendered people of the same ethnicity, in order to fuel the ego of their White Trophy. White worship and inferiority complex is also the reason why Chinese men are more shy and less confident approaching White women.
2. Look at the tons of ads, commercials, movies, fashion mags, mall posters that feature and glamorize and \'brand\' White people as the prettiest, best, etc. Then look at how many Chinese try to surgically enlarge their eyes to look more Caucasian (the #1 surgery among Chinese women in China), or the growing number of Chinese girls who dye their hair blond and wear blue contacts.
3. While unspoken, many White men secretly know about Chinese White worship, and they go to China to be social predators leveraging their White skin. Many English teachers in China are unqualified teachers, dirty perverts, or social rejects from their home countries, with major superiority complexes and White Knight mentalities in China based on the blogs online.”
“1. 很多亚洲的男人和女人有自卑情节,自我憎恨,白人崇拜。这就是为什么一个亚洲女人会轻易相信一个蹩脚的、秃顶的、老的、肥胖的、没用的,长相一般的,被自己国家拒绝的白人的意见。不难发现就是因为“白”使这个男人在亚洲女人心中的形象加分。而且,有些脑子进水的崇拜美国文化的中国女人会说或者做“任何事”, 包括嘲笑和诋毁他们自己的文化或者异性的同胞,以取悦她们的白人战利品。白人崇拜和自卑情节也是为什么中国男人在洋妞面前害羞、缺乏自信
2. 看看满天的广告、商业、电影、时尚杂志、商场海报把白人美化成是最美的,最好的,等等。看看有多少中国人要整形把自己弄的更像白人(中国女人外科手术最多的就是整形)和正在增长的中国女孩把自己的头发染成金色,带上蓝色隐形眼镜。
3. 在白人中的一个潜规则,很多白种男人知道中国人的白人崇拜,他们到中国来,倚仗着自己的皮肤来捕猎。但很多来中国的英语教师是不合格的教师,内心肮脏,或者本身被自己国家拒绝。。.”
乱发表,扯远了, 呵呵!