
北飞的候鸟- 关于姜岩的 - 如有高手希望能帮忙润色校正本文

(2008-01-24 02:17:14) 下一个
A Migratory Bird Flying to the North (北飞的候鸟)

Plan, a plan. Do you know suicide takes a plan? But do you know, do you know an actual death has no plan.

On December 29, 2007, at the cold winter night, four days after her lonely, crying last Christmas Eve, a talented young lady, who once loved the life so much, abruptly ended her life of 31 years be herself. Two days ago, on December 27, 2007, she was saved from a planned suicidal attempt with sleeping pills. But no one could save her again from her irreversible unplanned jump, a jump out of her apartment at the twenty fourth floor of a building in Beijing, China, a jump like a migratory bird flying to the north, the title of her blog.

Her name is Jiang, Yan. She will be forever missed by her beloved family, by her beloved friends, and by the internet community.

Join Me in Death by H.I.M, the title song of her blog, will forever be played in her blog,
http://orionchris.spaces.live.com. The departure songs she chosen will forever be played on her another blog, http://user.qzone.qq.com/131719:

Going Home, Sophie Zelmani
傻瓜都一样 (Fools are all the same), Strings
秘密的爱 (Secret love), 声音玩具(Sound Toy)
The Funeral of The Hearts, H.I.M.
Siren, Theatre of Tragedy
Ich bin der brennende Komet, Lacrimosa
Join Me in Death, H.I.M.
Still Alive, Negative
Gone With The Sin, H.I.M.
Sleeping Sun, Nightwish
Frosen To Lose It All, Negative
The Moment Of Our Love, Negative
Goodbye, Negative

Once her story was broken by one of her friends’s friend on the internet on January 9 2008 , the Chinese internet community immediately felt an earthquake. Her name quickly became one of the top searched key words in Chinese top search engine. Chinese from the whole country and the world flooded to her blogs, to the forum that exposed her sad story at http://cache.tianya.cn/publicforum/content/free/1/1094240.shtml, and to the memorial web site created by her friend and her sister at http://orionchris.cn.

Two months before her planned death, in October, after getting aware of that her 28 years old husband started an extramarital affair with a 23 years old girl and after being openly rejected by her husband to come back, she closed her blog and planned her suicide on December 27, 2007. She kept her self-struggles from her family and her friends until the very end. She reopened her blog right before December 27, 2007. The blog (http://orionchris.spaces.live.com) mercilessly documented her miserable, desperate, humiliated struggles, tears and cries, in her heart and soul in the last two months of her life.

She graduated from the French department of the famous China Foreign Affairs University. Her husband only had a middle school diploma when they first met on the internet. Later on, her husband earned an associate degree and got a job in an Advertising company. She had devoted and helped her husband and sacrificed herself so much, to such a degree that the derailed marriage became a huge blow to her self-pride. When she supported her husband in school, she bought clothes only worth tens of Chinese Yuan while her husband bought his pants worth over a thousand of Chinese Yuan. When she spent three Chinese Yuan on her food, her husband took taxi to go to school. After her husband got a job, her husband said to her that his money is his, and her money is also his. Not only that, after the extramarital affair happened, her husband and her husband’s family brought vicious words upon her. This led her into extreme depression, making her believing that future life would be meaningless, and suicide would be her only choice of revenge.

Unbelievably, while her body is cold, her husband’s family uses issues of heritage and properties to delay the planning of her funeral. Now with the negotiation between the lawyers of the two families, and the cry out of the internet community and the media, the funeral is finally planned on January 25, 2008, twenty five days after her heart broken death.

Jiang, Yan, let’s plan together, plan the migration to the north. Let‘s fly together, so you will never be lonely.
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