


(2009-11-13 18:20:59) 下一个

第五站,塔林 -- 愛沙尼亞 ,停留时间 6 小时。
市政厅广场位于塔林市政厅的正前方,被用来作为集会场所已长达几个世纪,其历史甚至可以追溯到市政厅本身建造之前。在历史上这里也曾被当作各种典礼举办的场所甚至是刑场来使用。最突出的是建于1313年的市政厅,它是一座哥德式建筑物,尖塔高65公尺,广场四周还有许多著名建筑物,部份古老大屋已被改建为餐厅,例如市政厅后面的Olde Hansa。广场有多达8条街道由此伸展,向西南方向而行,小径转而向上,这里是城堡区,仍可见古城墙遗迹,
赫尔曼高塔于14世纪末建在托姆比亚城堡的西南角。高塔名字的由来是从德国词“Lange Hermann”翻译而来的,它的意思是“高大的士兵”或者“首领”,即是传说中被众人所崇拜的英雄赫尔曼。这种类似的名字以前通常是给城堡中最有权力的人士使用。爱沙尼亚的国旗随风飘舞在48米高的塔尖上。

Best Of Tallinn 船上的团, 89/ 人, 5 个小时。
Toompea Hill - Your guided walk of old Tallinn will begin at Toompea Hill, known as the Upper Old Town. The focal point will be Palace Square, named after the pink baroque Toompea Castle, home to the Estonian Parliament. On the southwest side of the castle stands the Pikk Hermann Tower, topped by the national flag of blue, black and white.
Alexander Nevsky Cathedral - Dominating Palace Square, this Russian Orthodox Cathedral is a strong testament to the influence of years under the rule of Russian Tsars. Its cupolas and golden crosses rise high above the rooftops of the Upper Old Town, contrasting with the needlelike copper spires of the Lower Old Town. You will have a chance to step inside this working cathedral to view the numerous golden icons and mosaics which line the walls.
Dome Church - Gothic St. Mary's Cathedral - simply called the "Dome Church" by the locals - is the city's oldest church and an architectural landmark that has played a prominent role in Tallinn's history. It has served as a burial site for the nobility since the 15th-century, and inside you will see elaborate sarcophagi and more than 60 medieval coats of arms.
Town Hall Square - Having retained its charming time-worn appearance, Town Hall Square is still a hub of activity with its many cafés, restaurants and shops. Dominated by the monumental Gothic Town Hall, this square has been the center of life in Tallinn's Lower Old Town since the 12th-century. Be sure to raise your eyes upward to the Hall's minaret-like tower, where "Old Thomas the Watchman," an ancient weather vane, has served as the city's sentinel since 1530. Across the square stands the Town Council Pharmacy which has occupied the site since 1422.
Holy Spirit Church - The sky blue clock on the outer wall of this 14th-century church is the oldest in Tallinn. Inside the church are 15th-century woodcarvings and an ancient wooden altar.

第六站, 格但斯克 -- 波兰。停留时间 9 小时。估计要跟团,马尔堡城堡比较麻烦。
格但斯克(但澤)坐落在波蘭北部波羅的海海邊,是維斯瓦河的入海口。格但斯克及周邊的兩個城市格丁尼亞和索波特合稱三聯城,格但斯克是三座城市中最古老的一個,建於公元 997 年,也是波蘭最古老的城市之一。
公元 14 世紀條頓騎士團佔據了格但斯克, 1454 年回到波蘭, 18 世紀末被普魯士佔領,第一次世界大戰以後,國聯宣佈格但斯克為自由市。 1939 年德國軍隊渡過波羅的海佔領格但斯克,打響第二次世界大戰的第一槍。 1945 年戰爭結束以後,格但斯克回歸波蘭。作爲歐洲北部古跡保護最出色的城市之一,格但斯克完整的保持了 18 世 紀中葉以來的城市概況。作爲最大的港口之一,古老的格但斯克一直保持著中世紀和現代的建築特色,而沒有像哥本哈根或漢堡一樣成爲現代化的工業城市。這就是格但斯克成爲北歐文化遺跡城市的原因。
老市政廳、聖凱瑟琳大教堂,中心廣場的海王噴泉和波蘭最大的哥特式教堂 —— 聖母瑪利亞大教堂(同時也是歐洲最大的磚結構教堂)。從各但斯克港向北不遠的維斯特布拉德方尖塔,標誌著第二次世界大戰的正式開始,當時的納粹軍隊就是從這裡向波蘭發動進攻,打響了戰爭的第一槍
波兰海滨著名的三连城: 格但斯克的古城,包括高城门、金色城门、市政厅、格旦斯克的象征 - 海神喷泉、古老的起重机、以及世界上最大砖结构天主教教堂圣玛丽教堂,圣玛丽教堂 - 格但斯克的骄傲,这哥特式教堂是世界上最大的砖教堂和可容纳约 25000 人。内部配备 30 座小教堂,一个精心祭坛,一个古老的墓碑石楼,以及 15 世纪的天文钟 。

Malbork Castle & Gdansk City Tour ,时间 8.5 小时。 89/ 人
Malbork Castle - Located on the Nogat River, construction on this, one of Poland's oldest surviving castles, began in 1274. Built by the Order of Teutonic Knights, the fortress boasts massive brick walls, towers, dungeons and a host of architectural details. Your guided tour includes the castle complex and its exhibition halls with their collections of ceramics, sculptures and Baltic amber.
Gdansk Main Town - Your guided walk begins near Golden Gate, an ornamental arch that allowed access through the medieval city's walls. Walk along Long Street, passing Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque buildings to the Town Hall, Long Market and
St. Mary's Church - The pride of Gdansk, this Gothic church is the largest brick church in the world and can accommodate some 25,000 worshippers. The interior boasts 30 chapels, an elaborate altarpiece, a stone floor with ancient tombstones, and a 15th-century astronomical clock in the north transept complete with zodiac, and a calendar of saints.

第七站,奥斯库,挪威。停留时间7 小时,须再多的作业,或者跟团,

Viking Museum & Oslo Highlights  ,3.5小时,85/人
A narrated drive explores Oslo's scenic highlights and visits the Viking Museum. The museum's three Viking longboats were unearthed near Oslofjord and date to the 8th and 9th centuries. View Gustav Vigeland's stone, iron and bronze statues on a guided walk. Then view the cradle of Olympic ski jumping at Holmenkollen.
Viking Ship Museum - The museum is home to three Viking long boats uncovered during 19th-century, and early 20th-century excavations near Oslofjord. In addition to the superbly crafted ships, the museum exhibits sleds, jewelry and other artifacts found aboard the vessels.

Vigeland Sculpture Park - Once considered controversial, the park is now one of Oslo's favorite attractions. Your guided walk visits the stone, iron and bronze sculptures of Gustav Vigeland. The sculptures depict a complete human life from birth to death. After your walk, a brief period of free time is allowed to explore the park on your own.

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