

Completion of Degree Requirements for the Purpose of H-1B Cap Fi

(2009-08-24 18:27:59) 下一个

When one intends to file the H-1B petition based on a single education degree of bachelor's or U.S. master's, most of them would have already earned " a degree" at the time of filing and may be able to submit a copy of the "degree certificate." 

However, there may a group of people who have yet to attend the commencement of graduation and yet to receive the "degree certificate" even if they have completed the degree requirement. In that case, thee rises a question of what kind of evidence or proof of completion of the degree requirements will be acceptable to the USCIS.

USCIS will accept one of the following evidence as proof of completion of the degree requirements prior to filing of the H-1B petition:

  • A final transcript; OR

  • A letter from the Registrar; OR

  • A letter executed by the person in charge of the records of the educational institution where the degree was awarded. If this option is utilized, then he/she must show that he/she is authorized to issue such letters.

Considering the fact that time is running out, people should immediately collect one of the foregoing evidence before filing the H-1B cap petition. Those who have been issued a degree certificate should make a copy of such certificate together with the full transcript. When the alternative options are taken, they may want to submit the official and "original" document rather than a copy. 

Remember also that this alternative proof without a full transcript or required experience proof is not enough for H-1B eligibility since the rule requires the petitioners to submit full academic transcript as a required "initial evidence" to establish the education in the involved specialty in the case of 65,000 cap filing.



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