

(2008-01-23 18:34:55) 下一个

(Hello, all! This is Mona again.)

Ava is Mom’s first niece. I admit that she is a little marvelous cute pretty clever sweet baby girl. Here I post one of her pictureswhen she was 6 months. 


They moved furniture around, bought a new rug and moved my bed to the chilly landing area. Look the room Mom prepared for Ava!


Then please look my place!


Because of Ava, I also have more room to run around. Believe me, I run like a racing dog when I am happy.

I also love the new rug that Mom got from Pottery Barn. The rug is so thick and I enjoy rubbing my face against it. But Dad has to vacuumit millions of times to get rid of the loose wool.

We actually have a gorgeous Persian rug from Williams-Sonoma Home. It was a great bargain. Mom has proudly told the story to millions of people millions of times. I posted the two rugs’ pictures. Which one do you like better?



Anyway, Mom enjoys doing things like that to make people happy. And Ava is happy; she happily walks around every day.

Now, you see how my life has changed.

Everyone talks to “Ava” instead of “Mona”.
Everyone hugs “Ava” instead of “Mona”.
Everyone plays with “Ava” instead of “Mona”.
Everyone pleases “Ava” instead of “Mona”.
Everyone dances with “Ava’ instead of “Mona”. 

Yes, Dad still takes me out three times a day; I still get excited before going out.
But they wipe Ava’s bottom after she poops!

Yes, Dad still feeds me three times a day; I still eat happily and loudly.
But he does not let me hump my big flat toy dog or my bunnyafterwards as often as I like to!

Yes, Dad and Mom still play with me; I still act excited and hyper. 
But they do not play like a dog with all four limbs on theground and growl any more!


I think women understand women’s heart a little better. Mom was concerned about my situation. She moved my bed from the corner of thechilly landing area to the warmer kitchen. She has often covered me with my bigflat toy dog when I am sleeping.

Today, I walked to Dad, who was sitting in Sofa with Ava,singing to her. I looked at him for a while; he seemed not to notice my existence.I looked at him even harder only to find no response at all.

Sadly, I walked to the farthest corner of the living roomand sat with my back facing him. I felt so rejected that my heart was tearingand bleeding. Dad, I only needed to hear that you still love me! I turned myhead and looked at him again. He noticed me. He called my name and asked me tosit beside him. He told me that I am a good girl and he loves me.

I realize that I need to continue to be a good dog. (Dadalways talks to me positively. I think it is a good technique to lead people ordogs.) And I should not be jealous of Ava. What a shame it is if I try tocompete with her – a little 11-month baby!

Now, after I have written this article, I feel calm.(Writing could be a good means to vent!) My jealousy and my sadness are all “gone with wind”.

My Dad and Mom try hard to please everyone and try to giveme a good and better life. For that, I truly appreciate them.

P.S. Dad and Mom got me a new bed today!!

* Mona *


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