
A Popular Classic Movie: It\'s a Wonderful Life part (6-10)

(2009-04-22 14:53:42) 下一个

I can only think of that, the business, or a job for a man, is much like a baby to a mother, perhaps. There's A True Story from our past experience. During the Great Depression in 1930s, when some man unluckily happened lost his job, he would still wear his suit, tie and having suitcase/briefcase in his hand as normal, giving a kiss and saying Good-Bye to his loved ones -- wife and children, in the morning. However, as he turned around the corner, out of the watch of his own family and his neibors, he would immediately take every minute he can, to quickly find any jobs he can, whether it's polishing/shining shoes for others, or moving stuffs for people as labor. At the end of the day, he would clean and dress himself up again, going back home, with the money he got paid, he can raise and keep his family alive.

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