Lilly's Blog

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Why I like Ron Paul

(2008-01-03 17:44:51) 下一个
I used to be a democrate, now I am getting conservative. I believe American politics have been very limited to two party politics. You can see that the candidates from the same party have similar policy. I like republic party, because it is traditionally fiscal conservative and believe in small government. They are also traditionally more morally conservative. Although I think gay marriage and abotion should be left for states to decide, I agree with preserving American Christian value in the society. Ron Paul discussed about freedom and responsbility in CNN. He said something that people should be free, but should also take responsbility. Freedom has limitation, because we are self serving and need a divine force to make our action accountable. Some people may argue that law can protect its citizen's rights and regulate their behavior. However, law itself is not perfect, and people will still take chances breaking the law. The more law you have, the less rights a citizen has. Therefore, respecting law rooted in moral value is the right course. If people are free to have casual sex and open marriage as in the 70s movements, it will create a lot of social burdern, such as STD and violence. Children has the rights to live in morally sound society and have the stability of a home. I think they are exposed too much to sex and voilence at the early age.

There are two key issues in Ron Paul's policy I like:

1. He disagrees with Iraq war and will withdraw troops from Iraq
Lots of republican candidates think that we should stay in Iraq. I disagree with the war from day 1. I believe war on terror is an ideaology to expand the executive branch's power. In fear, we surrender. Probably most republicans believe it is necessary to protect right wing conservative's legacy.

2. He disagree with Amenesty
All democratic candidates pro Amenesty. There is political reason for it, since they get a lot of vote from minority Hispanic groups. Second, they believe that America should respect the rights of illegal immigrants pursuing American dreaml. I think it is utopian. Why I against it, first of all, they break the law. If someone get rewarded for breaking the law, more people will come. Second, it is not fair to working class whose wages get reduced because of illegal immigrants. Third, it is not fair to legal immigrants who wait years to obtain their legal residence. Forth, this country already has a huge national debt because of the social welfare. 12 million illegal immigrants will pose a great social burdern for future generation. And, they are keep coming. Six, the majority of people do not like Amenesty. Government should not force morality on its people, just like America should not force its value on Iraq. My take is that Government should first take care of the interests of its own people, and encourge people to take care of third world through charity.

Anyway, I am a big fan of Lou Dobbs on CNN, although he argues too much with his guests.
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