

(2007-12-26 06:57:44) 下一个
首先,let's condemn贪污腐败,condemn贪官奸商卖国贼 to the fullest extent.

I have strong sympathy to those less fortunate in China. However, 生产剩余和贫富分化 are partly how society moves forward. It sucks, but that's the way it has been and the way it will be.

A temporarily polar but wealthy China is better than an equal but poor one, 让一部分人先富起来是走向共同富裕的必由之路. 生产力决定生产关系,现阶段只能是追求效率兼顾公平. You can not change the law of nature or law of social developements, you can only deal with it, and that's what the gov is doing, or trying to do right now. I'm sure we all agree that more efforts need to be put in. Be patient, give it some time.

当今中国,发展是主流,环境,贫富分化等等弊端,是发展主旋律中一些不可避免的不和谐的音符。不能为了片面追求平等公平而舍本逐末,因噎废食(that's what 鬼子 wants, 不要上了鬼子的当). On the other hand, these issues are more and more freely talked about in the open,people have increasingly the liberty and willingness of pointing fingers at the government. These facts by themselves are siginificant progresses.

As long as people and gov are aware of and paying attention to thses problems and taking measures, however small and inadequate it may seem at the current level, things won't get out of hand, just like when everybody is afraid of a bear market, bear market will never come。

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