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Yashica FX-3 super 2000

(2011-02-23 22:58:19) 下一个

The FX-3 was a very popular, manually-operated, 35mm single lens reflex camera, released by Yashica in 1979, and built by Cosina. It has a vertical metal-bladed mechanical focal plane shutter with speeds up to 1/1000, an exposure meter with a simple 3-LED reading in the viewfinder, and no automatic metering or focusing modes. The camera is very compact and lightweight for an SLR design, and weighs about 1 pound (450 grams). One of the camera's greatest attributes is that it will accept all manual-focus Yashica / Contax lenses, including the superb Carl Zeiss T* lenses intended for the Contax line. The FX-3 was available only in black, though there was also an otherwise identical FX-7 model that came in a chrome finish.

In 1984 the FX-3 was replaced by the FX-3 Super, that added a vestigial grip to the body, a flash-ready indicator in the finder, and moved the meter switch to the shutter release button. It too was only sold in black finish. Kyocera (which had acquired Yashica in 1983) released the FX-7 Super in 1985, exactly the same camera finished in chrome.

In 1986 the FX-3 Super was in turn succeeded by the FX-3 Super 2000 with a shutter speed range extended to 1/2000, and a wider ISO range from 25 - 3200 ISO instead of 12 - 1600.

These inexpensive cameras have developed a reputation for reliability, mostly due to their extremely simple construction and durable metal chassis with plastic outer shell. The leatherette exterior covers of the FX-3 are a well-known weak point, and tend to disintegrate after a few years, but are easily replaced. Later Super 2000 models were sourced from China, and some components were changed to lower costs.

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