
Homemade Raw Diet Recipes for Dog-by Poodledoudou

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这一阵子在研究狗狗的raw food. 整理了一些‘学习笔记’,希望对准备喂生食的家长们有所帮助,也欢迎大家指正补充。


Key things to remember:
  1. Dog diet should be high protein, high moisture, and
     grains (e.g. wheat, soy, corn, rice)

  2. Dog diet should be BALANCED

  3. Food you should NOT feed your dog:


1)      Avocado
2)      Alcohol
3)      Coffee/Tea
4)      Chocolate
5)      Gallic, Onion, Chives
6)      Peach, Plums, Apricots
7)      Macadamia Nuts
8)      Grapes and raisins
9)      Salt
10) Cooked bones
11) Persimmons
12) Yeast
13) Gum/sugar/candies
14) Raw eggs
15) Fruit pit and seed (e.g. apple seed)
16) Fatty trims
  1. For ADULT dog, feed one pound of raw food for
         every fifty pounds of weight per day. Puppies and pregnant dogs may need
         to consume more calories to meet their body need. You can monitor your
         dog’s weight change to find the right amount to feed.

  2. Raw meat should be freezed for at least 72
    before serve.


Things to include in dog’s diet
  1. Around 75% meat and bones (chicken, turkey, beef,
         pork, lamb, goat, fish, etc). You can rotate for varieties. Watch dog’s
         stool. If too dry, reduce the amount of bones; if too soft, increase the
         amount of bones.

  2. 5% organs (liver, heart,
         kidney, tongue, etc)

  3. Vegetables and fruit
         (remaining 20%)

    1. Some vegetables/fruit you can ALWAYS include
            in your dog’s diet are: carrots, romaine lettuce, celery, parsley, bok
            choy, fresh pumpkin, yellow and green squash, peppers (red and yellow),
            beets, kale, zucchini, yams, asparagus, jicama, parsnip, green beans,
            turnips, blue berries, apples(rotate for varieties)

    3. Some vegetables may cause gas. You can feed
            but do not feed too much: e.g. broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and
            brussel sprouts


 You should also consider the
following items as they are very beneficial to dog’s health


eggs with shell. Eggs are good source of protein. Egg shells are a good source
of calcium that can be absorbed by dogs. You can give 1-2 boiled eggs (no salt)
with shell to your dog per week (depend on dog size). Also you can make
scrambled egg with coconut oil (refined) or olive oil and feed.


yogurt (no sugar added) or cottage cheese


coconuts oil (can be fed directly to dog with a spoon- a good treat); the following
can be added to dog’s raw food: flax seed/flax seed oil, fish oil (Omega 3
fatty acid), kelp, apple cedar vinegar. Usually 1 teaspoon per day for every 10
pounds of your dog.


the ingredients and mix up. Divide the mixture into small portions and put into
Ziploc bags (one serve per bag). Freeze for 72 hours. Everyday just take out
one day’s meal to cooler and serve once defreezed. 
Some recreational food for dog chew:
Brisket, lamb flank, oxtail, chicken/duck/turkey necks (without skin), chicken
help to clean dog’s teeth. But remember never feed cooked bones to dogs.


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