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(2008-01-16 20:35:27) 下一个
Knowing when to AVOID your Veterinarian

Day 6 of Veterinary Secrets Course, '7 Secrets to Extending The Life of Your Pet', the complimentary course by Dr. Andrew Jones.

This issue: The 6th Secret - The 6th key to extending your pet's life is knowing when to AVOID your Veterinarian.

You've made it to day 6.

That's more messages than most people will read. By being committed to reading this course, that tells me you are committed to improving your pet's health.

Many people don't even bother to finish the course - they won't order my Home Study Course or book because they feel that there is no way that they can treat their pet at home.

I'll let you in on a little secret - Vets are only human.

We don't have all the answers.

Many times when we treat a pet, the pet was likely going to recover on his own.

But we feel obligated to do something - it makes us feel better.

You know your pet better than anyone else.

Take charge of your pet's health.

By reading this course, you now know more alternative treatments than 90% of the Vets out there.

Your pet deserves all the options - don't you think?

I am constantly amazed at the stories that are sent to me.

Things that happen to pets while under care of an expert - a veterinarian.

One concerned pet owner recently wrote:

"Dear Dr Jones,

Thank You for publishing such an informative newsletter - I just wish that I had your book and newsletter earlier.

May cat Beauty had allergies. She was chewing at her back end, losing hair and causing scabs. I was concerned so I visited my vet. She decided that it was an allergy and suggested treating with a long acting steroid injection.

The steroid injection stopped the itching, but caused a serious side effect.

She now has Diabetes.

She is on daily insulin injections.

I am writing this letter to warn others about the dangers of steroids - avoid them AT ALL COSTS. I have purchased your book, and I am finding some of the alternate suggestions for treating Diabetes and Allergies very helpful.


Marg Williams, San Francisco."

The Veterinarian does not know everything about keeping your pet healthy - although that is what many veterinarians would have you believe.

Veterinarians would have YOU believe that ONLY a veterinarian can:


... do everything for your pet's health.

The BIG Myth is that veterinarians only know a little about A LOT of things.

And sometimes they are WRONG.

Sometimes the "safe" medication has a side effect, such as with the case of Marg's cat.

You know your pet best.

You can take charge of your pet's health today.

You can get my Complete Home Study Multimedia Course at www.veterinarysecretsrevealed.com/vsr.php and begin treating your pet at home with safe, natural and effective home remedies.

Thank You for writing Marg.

Thank You all for being loyal readers and the many of you who have purchased my book and my course.

As a student in veterinary school, our instructors made fun of anyone who used alternative medicine.

They were called Quacks.

'There is no proof....'

But how do you think that most animals in the world are treated? It's with natural medicine.

Most people in India or China can't afford to even see a vet or buy medication.

They use herbs, acupressure, massage, supplements, homeopathic treatments.

The animals get better, because the treatments work.

I have seen thousands of pets recover with home remedies.

That is proof.

They work.

You know your pet better than anyone else.

Take charge of your pet's health.

It may be the best decision you could make for your pet.

It's Your Pet- Heal Them At Home!

Best Wishes

Dr Andrew Jones

P.S. Isn't it about time you snagged your own copy of 'Veterinary Secrets Revealed?'

You'll find it at: www.veterinarysecretsrevealed.com/vsr.php.

And go to my online membership site and sign up now: www.theonlinevet.com.

P.P.S. Tomorrow's issue is the LAST one - The 7th Key to Extending Your Pet's Life is being PREPARED for an EMERGENCY!

In fact, I've written a complete manual on pet first aid. It's available at: www.petfirstaidsecrets.com.

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Copyright 2007 Veterinary Secrets Revealed

Tel: 1-800-396-1534
Fax: 1-250-352-1901
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