
秋月冬雪 (热门博主)
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(2014-03-06 11:20:43) 下一个



是英语的。没有Proof Read。是我演讲的底稿。



I took a trip to Asia in March of 2011. Looking at the travel photos made me sad, I have these extra fat on my mid section, that was bad. My daughter was 2 years old, I still have the baby weight everywhere on my body. I was fatigue all the time, lack of quality sleep and usually in a bad mood. 


When I went back to the office, I found out that my co worker just reached her goal of loosing 10 pounds, so I ask her what's her secret. She told me she has been running for 30 minutes everyday. Wow, that was a lot, I don't know if I can do that but I decided to give it a try. So I signed up for the gym membership. 


I actually started to workout since then and lose 8 pounds. Following are the tips that motivated me which I would like to share with you.


1. Set realistic goals - go to the gym once a week initially. 


2. Make a commitment. The key is to get started. I signed up for membership at the Gym in May of 2011. I also signed up for the 8 weeks group training program that teaches a small group of members about how to plan your workout and the use of fitness equipments. When you commit to such a program, it pushes you to keep your commitment. The program encourages the group member to work out 3 times a week. 


3. Divide and conquer: 

a. Break it down, make it concrete, frame it as an approach goal and create an implementation intention. 

b. Put some variety on your routine. - People feel bored easily. Tired of the same old same old? How about change from a treadmill to a stationary bike? Or go for weight training for a while. How about a dancing class?

Enhance your interest in the goal - be sure it’s related to your values , and if the connections aren’t obvious at first, think through how the task at hand complements your values and overall goals (and if it doesn’t, think about why it’s on your “to-do list” - delegate or delete?)


4. Reward yourself for every little step. For example when I workout for 30 minutes, I allow myself to have a piece of donuts or a cup of cappuccino. Well, too much reward is a problem though, you can see that I was being punished for having too much sweet roll lately because it is showing up as pimples on my face. So,moderation is the key. 


5. Do something you enjoy along the way. For example, I watch TV while working out. That works well because I don't get to watch TV often because I have very little "me time" with the two little kids on my hands. 


6. Setup a mental reminder. For example, tell yourself: I will start working on task like I need to workout when I see the number 11. So, when you look at the clock and it is 12:11 pm, or 2:11 pm, you would be reminded. Oh, it is time for my work out, I’ve got to go. 


7. Pick a theme song. Music is a powerful tool. It help me get through a lot of things. It also boost my energy when I needed strength. Pick a song that speak to you. For a workout song, maybe “We Will Rock You” by the Queen. Maybe “I’ve got the Power” by Snap speaks to you. Maybe the recent hit “Gangnan Style” makes you want to dance. Or, one of my recent favorite song “Little talks” by Of monsters and men, you might find it light and moving. It goes like this: 


Don't listen to a word I say


The screams all sound the same



Though the truth may vary

This ship will carry

Our bodies safe to shore


These are the tips that works for me. Hopefully, it would help you with the motivation you needed to reach the goal you set. 


Ally McBeal Barry White


Tom Petty - I Won't Back Down


Queen - We Will Rock You


Of Monsters and Men - Little Talks




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