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ZT: What Can a Five-Year-Old Do? by Kori Rodley Irons

(2010-12-06 09:06:01) 下一个

There's a reason that the age of five is considered the age for starting school in many societies - five-year-olds have accomplished so much developmentally in their first years of life and are now capable of learning and absorbing knowledge in a more formal setting, and they have the physical independence to take care of the majority of their own physical care need. While each child develops individually at his or her own pace and schedule, here are some of the things an average five-year-old can do: 

By the age of five, children become increasingly dexterous and can, at last, skip, jump hop, run and do so in a wide array of combinations. Skipping is a challenging feat that is not usually accomplished until around five years old or so. Five-year-olds have increasingly good balance and physical strengthen. Many can now ride two-wheel  bicycles with ease, run and kick balls, swing a bat to hit a ball, catch something that is thrown at them and run up and down stairs. 

The vocabulary of a five-year-old seems to grow by the day. While 1,500 words is typical of the average four-year-old, a five may be using 2,500 words or more. He may be able to recognize letters and some small words in books or print and may also be able to write his or her own name. By this age, most children know colors, simple shapes, numbers up to 10 and can do simple counting. They also are beginning to understand difficult time concepts like yesterday, today and tomorrow, and have mastered such concepts as now, soon and later. 

By this age, a child will be showing a preference for the right or left hand and will be able to remember directions with several simple steps. Social skills continue to develop and, by five, children are learning to share and take turns and are becoming much better at waiting and resolving some simple conflicts. Again, each child is different and it will depend on the temperament and personality of the child. 

A five-year-old can take quite a bit of responsibility for his own world and environment - cleaning up toys and putting things in order, brushing his own teeth and getting ready for bed, dressing herself, making the bed, etc. Some five-year-olds can also learn to tie their shoes, although many won’t master this for another year. 

As the five starts school with kindergarten, she may become peer-conscious for the first time and want to be liked and included in games and social activities. Children this age tend to favor order and can be upset if things get disrupted. Where a three or four might not have noticed or cared if she wasn’t invited to a party, a five-year-old will be aware enough to be hurt by the social slight. Imaginative play and group activities are part of a five’s world and children this age can see things through for increasingly longer periods of time. Some may become so focused, it is hard for them to leave one thing behind to begin a new activity. 

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