
秋月冬雪 (热门博主)
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Coco\'s 7 month update

(2009-12-17 06:44:57) 下一个

Coco's skin condition has improved tremendously. She itches a lot less than before. However, her food allergy still persists. I had chicken this Monday and her eczema rush come back again yesterday. I fed her two little pieces of carrot that was cooked in the meat soup, which also caused some rushes on her face. 

Last week, she had 4 bites of the wheat bread. Within 30 minutes, she had hives on her whole body. She itches and cried inconsolably for a long time. Grandma put some Hydrocortisone on her and also treated her with the diluted Epsom Salt and Aquaphor. 

She fussed a long time and finally she was asleep. She fussed while she was sleeping. She slept for about one hour and awake and her hives started to subside. 

This Tuesday, she suddenly refused to take the milk from the bottle. Grandparent put the expressed breast milk with Oatmeal cereal to feed her. They also offered her some water in the bottle. 

Due to the lack of fluid intake, she was having difficulty passing stool yesterday. Every diaper was with a little hard stool. Last night, around midnight, she started to fuss and cry. I checked her diaper and found out that she has a soil diaper. I brought her to wash up her buttock and dry her up to put on new diaper. While I was preparing to put a new diaper on her, she started to pass stool again. She has been crying the whole time. It must have hurt a lot because she was crying while passing the stool. I used tissue to hold her stool until it seems like she is done pooping. 

I brought her to wash her buttock again and find out that she was still passing some stool. I put her to sit on the toilet and she squeezed out some more stool. There was blood with the stool. It appears that the stool might have broken her skin. When she is finally done passing the stool, I clean her up again and put cloth diaper on her. Her buttock was all red and she has diaper rush. She finally settled down at around 1:30 a.m. and slept until 5:30 for her morning feeding. After the feeding, she scratches her face so I treated her with the diluted Epsom salt and Aquaphor again. She slept again until 6:50a.m. this morning. 

She had been passing stool in the morning around 7 a.m. for 3 weeks everyday until 3 days ago. 

She has been drooling since less than 2-month-old but we don't see any teeth yet. Last weekend, it seems like she stop drooling for a few days, and then, the drooling resume. 

Her motor skill has been improving. She can grab the Cheerios with whole hand and put it in her mouth. She can crawl backward for a long distant. She is trying to crawl forward now. She can crawl forward a little like a frog. She is still putting everything in her mouth. She likes to chew books. 

Her sleeping routine is pretty consistence. She would need to sleep after waking up for about 2 to 3 hours. When I come home at the evening she would want to be fed every 2 to 2.5 hours. It could stretch longer if she had oatmeal cereal as a prior feeding. Before she sleeps for the night, she could be awake for 4 to 6 hours. 

When I say hello or bye bye and put her hand up, she would open and close her hands for waving bye bye.

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