龍應台:誰,不是天安門母親?──獻給丁子霖Lung Ying-Tai: Who is not a Tiananmen Mother?
--Dedicated to Ding Zilin
文章摘要: 沒有一個真正富強的國家不把人才當做國寶的,或者應該倒過來說,不把人才當做國寶的國家,不可能真正富強。回首五十年,一整代菁英被「反右」所吞噬,又一整代被「文革」所折斷;「六四」,又清除掉一代。五十年共產黨的歷史簡直就像一隻巨大的篩子,一次一次把國家最珍貴的寶藏篩掉。一路拋棄寶藏,巨人你奔往哪里?
Abstract: None of the prosperous and powerful countries does not treat her talents as a national treasure, or, rather, the other way round, if a country doesn’t treat her talents as a national treasure, it cannot be rich and strong. Looking back at the 50 years, an entire generation of the elite were swallowed by the “anti-rightists” movement; another generation were interrupted by the "Cultural Revolution"; another one, removed by June 4th massacre. The fifty years of reign by the communist party works like a gigantic sieve, which screens out the nation’s most precious treasures time and time again. Abandoning the treasures all the way, where are you the giant running?
Written by Lung Ying-Tai
作者 : 龍應臺
Published on September 4th, 2009
Fifteen years ago, an unforeseeable opportunity took me, a pregnant woman, to three squares: Beijing's Tiananmen Square, East Berlin's Alexanderplatz square, and Red Square in Moscow. It was in the turbulent year of 1989.
To commemorate the 70th anniversary of May 4th movement, I came to Beijing. While the early morning fog still obscured the dim buildings, covered the tired people, the square became unfathomable in the twilight, like a mysterious, silent valley.
But you know that the valley is not empty, one after another wave of echoes resonate, pushing the grand rotation of history. The cry after the defeat of 1895 Sino-Japanese war was echoed in 1919 after the First World War; the cry in 1919, "For democracy, for science, for national prosperity", were answered by a solemn echo in 1949: "Chinese people have stood up!"; facing the solemn oath of 1949, the year of 1989 issued a cry ─ ─
No one would imagine that the response to the cry was the gunfire of a massacre, vibration of tanks, and muting of public voices up to fifteen years.
But Alexanderplatz Square was crowded with people. Millions of East Germans took to the streets every day. Holding fists in the air, they demanded to open up the border, and pleaded for freedom and democracy. When all of a sudden the news of gunshots in the Tiananmen Square arrived, the Germans walked down the street, wearing a bloody rage on the faces, but their hearts were sunk by the bleak fears: Will the Tiananmen massacre occur in East Berlin?
To feel the emotions in the countryside, I went outside the city of Berlin. The noon Sun blazed the square in the small village, where only an old dog dozed off. Everything looked serene and quiet. But on the ground of the square there was a drawing in white chalk. I approached it, and saw a contour of gun-down human body, with the limbs extending like the Chinese character “Big”. In the middle, the German words clearly read: "Tiananmen Square, June 4".
Then, after a few months, I strolled on the street in Moscow. Thousands of people -- children riding in their fathers’ shoulders, mothers pushing baby carriages, gray-haired senior citizens, held hand in hand, and shouted: "Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!" A white banner hung across the whole road. In various languages, it read: "We do not want Tiananmen Square!" Military trucks filled with heavily armed soldiers were secretly dispatched in every lane. Those soldiers clung to guns, full of alert.
During the year of my pregnancy, people tore down the Berlin wall; the Soviet empire crumbled down to earth. As the aftermath stories said, while the people roared in the street like flood, hiding in the high-rise building offices, the Party leaders fiercely debated whether to follow the “Tiananmen model” to keep grip on power. But the Tiananmen Square massacre was too cruel, too shocking to the world. Shaken by the gravity of such crimes are too great, the leaders of the two cities, in the most urgent time, pressed down the gun barrels.
On the eve of the collapse of the Berlin Wall, East German leadership were bewildered at the situation, for example, should any people who attempted to climb over the wall be shot without exception? A high-ranking official recalled, “at the point to time, I myself set up a criterion to distinguish right from wrong: In the event of Tiananmen Square massacre, which side should you take? If you stand by the side of people, it is right. Then, I know what to do.”
In the turmoil of East Europe, Beijing's Tiananmen Square was used as a criterion to distinguish the right from the wrong, and as a polygraph to tell the truth from the false.
Yes, you can say that bloodbath in China delivered bloodless revolutions in the East Europe.