

(2008-06-19 19:49:02) 下一个


One of history’s worst atrocities might have remained little more than a footnote had it not been fIris Chang.
Reader’s Digest, Sept. 1998


For this coming Christmas, a 2-year-old boy will not receive any gifts from her mom. The mother, Iris Chang, killed herself on Nov. 11, 2004. Iris Chang is the author of Rape of Nanking, the forgotten holocaust of World War II. Ever since the book was published in 1997, she had been reportedly harassed and threatened by Jap rightists -- after decades, some people still want to deny the atrocities. And our haunted author paid precious price for telling the truth.


In December of 1937, the Jap army swept into the city of Nanking. Within six to eight weeks, they had massacred more than 300,000 civilians and raped 80,000 women. We all know the numbers from history books. However, it is so ironical that while Japanese are enshrining victims of atomic blast in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, we simply turn back to our nation’s wailing wall; It is more ironical while our kids in China are overwhelmingly embracing Japanese culture and fashion, Iris Chang, a second generation of Chinese immigrant raised in US, was dedicated to document the injustice.


On Thursday, April 01, 2004, Iris Chang had a lecture at the Dallas Chinese Community Center. I missed it and believed I would be able to catch her next time. Now I found I could never make it up. It’s just another example of life’s uncertainty and vulnerability…


My friends, I am here to plead you to join me to pay a little tribute to Iris Chang and 300,000 victims of Nanking Massacre:


1. Please read Rape of Nanking, the forgotten holocaust of World War II. It won’t be pleasant to face such inhumanity committed by Jap. I was filled with disgust, anger and shame when reading the book. To be honest, I have not finished the book after a few attempts. However, if Jap are still trying to whitewash the history, it’s our responsibility, as Chinese (or simply as human being), to rescue the victims from oblivion.


2.Please donate the book to your local public library. If the library has it already, donate her latest book The Chinese in America, a narrative history. I donated one to Richardson Public Library. Please let’s honor our author by making her books more accessible to the public.


Farewell, Iris Chang. The victims of Nanking Massacre and you will be remembered. May your soul rest in peace.


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yimei1926 回复 悄悄话
xpangela 回复 悄悄话 我在洛杉矶的图书馆里只见到过一次。和你一样,看不完全文。
xpangela 回复 悄悄话 用英文向全世界介绍这历史的真相。竟然是一个出生在美国的华裔女孩!中国的文人羞颜!大家忙着写赚钱的东西,迎合市场的东西。好莱坞拍了多少希特勒的残暴电影,苏联记录了多少法西斯的暴行。中国人的呐喊却仅仅出于一个23岁的女孩。她是多么优秀!一个历史的壮士,中国最优秀的文人之一,让人敬仰!永远纪念!