Over the past three months, GP-B has continued to make outstanding progress.
In our September 25, 2007 status update, we reported that the trapped flux mapping technique had resulted in a dramatic improvement in the determinations of the polhode phase and angle for each gyroscope throughout the entire 353-day experiment period. Applying these results to a central 85-day stretch of data, from December 12, 2004 through March 4, 2005, we obtained a robust and stable measurement of the frame-dragging effect with a reasonable (~30%) error level. We are in process of progressively extending the analysis to increasingly long time intervals in order to reach the full experiment accuracy, potentially to an error margin of less than 5%. Also important is the completion of the study of—and if necessary elimination of—any remaining systematic effects that may bias the results of the experiment.
Our progress and results were intensively reviewed by the GP-B Science Advisory Committee (SAC) at its 17th meeting on November 2, 2007. In its subsequent report, the SAC commented on "the truly extraordinary progress that has been made in data analysis since SAC-16 [March 23-24, 2007]" and unanimously concluded "that GP-B is on an accelerating path toward reaching good science results."
It is anticipated that approximately another six months until May 2008 will be needed to complete this full coverage and arrive at a definitive final result. We believe the results will be truly significant and will withstand scrutiny at the deepest scientific level. We agree with the SAC that: "This phase must include an adequate opportunity for the SAC to review the final result in some detail before publications are prepared and public announcements are made." To this end, we are planning on this review for the May 2008 time frame.