

NB, NS, P.E.I.(旅游)Travel Plan:

(2009-03-12 12:03:45) 下一个

NB: http://www.tourismnewbrunswick.ca
PEI: http://www.peiplay.com
NS: http://novascotia.com
NF: http://www.gov.nf.ca/tourism

Fredericton area 506 451-6001
Moncton area 506 851-6610
Saint John area 506 636-4991
Miramichi area 506 773-7045
Bathurst area 06 548-3220
Acadian Peninsula area 506 336-3838

Day 1, Montreal –--- Shippagan (NB) 926km

MTL ----(HIGHWAY20 132)-- --Campbellton (NB, 732km) ----HIGHWAY 11-- Bathurst -- HIGHWAY 11 & 113---- Shippagan


1. Campbellton: -- Restigouche Sam, The Salmon Festival (June 28-July 7)
2. CAMPBELLTON, 这里的峡湾是世界上最美的两个峡湾之一 ( 另一个是挪威的大峡湾 )

3. ACADIEN historic village, 领略阿卡第亚人 , 古朴民风(near Bertrand)

14311 Road 11,

P.O. Box 5626
, Caraquet (N.-B.), E1W 1B7, Canada
Tel. : (506) 726-2600
Fax. : (506) 726-2601
Toll free: 1-877-721-2200

4. Shippagan: -- the Aquarium and Marine Centre

NB information centre tel. 1 800 561-0123
• Customs Services-General Inquires & Information- 1-800-461-9999
• Weather-1-506-658-2558



1. Super 8 Campbellton Nb 26 Duke Street Campbellton, NB E3N 2K3 Canada 1-877-477-5817
2 . Comfort Inn Campbellton 111 Val D'amour Rd Campbellton, NB E3N 5B9 Canada 1-877-477-5817
* Bathurst 附近:

Comfort Inn Bathurst 1170 St. Peter Ave., Bathurst, NB, CA, E2A 2Z9

*Shippagan 附近:

*Motel Brise Marine 506-336-2276 172 1ère St. Shippagan New BrunswickE8S 1T1

Single: $70.00 - $80.00
Double: $75.00 - $85.00
Twin: $85.00 - $95.00
Extra person/per night: $5.00 - $10.00

*Camping Shippagan:

506-336-3960 586 Haut-Shippagan Rd.
Haut-ShippaganNew Brunswick

Fully-serviced sites: $25.00 Semi-serviced sites: $22.00

Day 2, Shippagan –---- Moncton --------- --388km

Shippagan –11-- Miramichi –11-- Bouctouche –11-- Shediac –15-- Moncton –114--Hopewell Cape –114-- Moncton


1. Bouctouche: Eco-Centre Irving, 1932 Route 475, St. Edouard de Kent, NB, E4S 4W9, 506-743-2600.

2. Hopewell~Cape: Hopewell ~Rocks潮涨潮落观岩石柱 也是全世界潮汐落差最大的地方 ;

3. Moncton 探索磁力山 (Magnetic Hill) 的奥秘; (Just off the TCH #2)

4. Moncton Market,

120 Westmorland St.
(just off
Main St
5. Fundy国家公园( FundyNationalPark): 公园里有不同的 HikingTrail, 有的观赏公园里丰富的植物种类 , 有的观赏海岸边千姿百态的岩石 . 506~8876000, 8642 Route 114 Alma E4H 1B4


1. Moncton Scenic Motel Double: $50.00 - $75.00 , 506-384-6105, 47910 Route 128, Moncton, E1G 2R5

2. Bonaccord House Bed & Breakfast, $60.00 - $65.00, 506-388-1535,

250 Bonaccord St. Moncton, E1C 5M6

3.Magnetic Hill Bed & Breakfast, $70.00 - $90.00, 506-854-1231, 921 Front Mountain Rd.Moncton, E1G 3H2

4. Beacon Light Motel, Double: $80.00 - $105.00, 506-384-1734,

1062 Mountain Rd.
Moncton, E1C 2T1

Pine Ridge Campground, $30.00, 506-855-6938, 4421 Route 126,Gallagher Ridge,New Brunswick, E1G 3A1

Camper's City Prop. Inc. $29.00 - $44.00, 506-384-7867 , 138 Queensway Dr.MonctonE1G 2L2

Day 3, Moncton –---- Charlottetown ---- 191km
Moncton ---- Confederation Bridge ($38.5) & TransCanada Charlottetown


1.Shediac:LargestLobster, 经过 " 龙虾村 " , 在村附近吃龙虾, Shediac参观世界最大的龙虾雕像;

2. Moncton ~~~~ Cape ~D’or 的景色和 Cape`Breton 差不多美 , 只是风格不同 . 这里的岩石含很高质量的铜 , 在附近海滩能拣到纯的小铜块或者碧玉 . 这里还有很多远古的化石 , 有世界上落差最大的潮汐 .
3. PEI省府夏洛特敦市(Charlottetown)市区浏览;

  1. Founders Hall了解加拿大联邦如何诞生;
  2. Charlottetown Farmer's Market, (902) 626-3373,
    100 Belvedere Avenue


Garden Gate Inn, 800 465-5556, 902 368-3697 , 639 University Ave. Charlottetown PE, C1E 1E5

Sherwood Motel , (800) 567-1622, (902) 892-2358, $45-87, 281 Brackley Point Rd.Charlottetown PE, C1E 2A3

1. Bay Vista Motel & Cottage, 963-2225,(800) 846-0601,

9517 Cavendish Rd. West ,Cavendish PE,C0A 1E0

2. Anne Shirley Motel and Cottages, (800) 561-4266,(902) 368-3117,Cavendish Jct 6&13,Cavendish PE,C0A1M0 3 . Lakeview Lodge & Cottages, 902) 963-2436, (800) 565-7550,

8715 Cavendiish Road
,Route 6 unter River RR1 Cavendish , PE C0A 1N0

Day 4, PEI

到了红色土地的 " 爱德华王子岛 " ,在这个岛上到处都是红泥的土地,到处是农庄,到处是牛群,到处是土豆 …… 这里盛产的是土豆!沿路上看到不少平时常见的薯片牌子的工厂,如: Lays,Humpy Dumpy……
— Cavendish Beach 的红土海岸应该是 PI 的精华。建议住在 Cavendish 的 NATIONAL PARK ( Camping ),早上可以看日出,踏着浪花漫步沙滩,晚上枕着海涛声入眠。。。 ( 或者租附近的 Cottage 也是不错的选择 )
— 驾车沿环岛公路遛一圈,沿途可以观赏 PI 的 红土海岸,风格迥异的灯塔及田园风光。


1.CavendishBeach ; Cavendish 附近的 National Park 游玩。走走在沙滩上建的木长廊,享受沙滩,海水. 爱德华国家公园, Cavendish is C0A 1N0

2. Anne of Green Gables博物馆 参观安妮的小木屋 (Park Corner, Route 20, 15 mins west of Cavendish); 这里有条很美的海边小路,穿过芦苇荡,穿过沙丘,把你引到涛浪声的红礁石上。再脱了鞋,赤脚踏上绵绵的沙滩,漫步夕阳下,倾听海的细语 …… 在王子岛上开着车沿岸边的公路一溜开去,看着海与农庄十分的和谐,是一种平静的美。特别是远眺麦田尽头,看着大海边上的屋子,让人很向往那个地方。

3. 品尝North Rustico 的Fisherman ’ s Wharf (North Rustico)龙虾沙拉大餐, 这里有很多的生耗和青口! 或自购龙虾品鲜品到码头.

4. Brackley beach 的水比较暖, 开车前往 East Point。

5. cabot beach park, the beach is nice and quiet.

6. NorthCape开去 NorthCape ,开车走走乡村路,并沿西边的海岸往下开到 Charlottetown.

Cavendish----------- Charlottetown 30mins
Charlottetown------- North Cape 2hrs
Charlottetown------- Summerside 1hr

PEI information centre: 1-888-734-7529

1. http://www.gov.pe.ca/visitorsguide/s...aderLanguage=E Fully service, $22 CAVENDISH CAMPGROUND
2. http://www.gov.pe.ca/visitorsguide/s...aderLanguage=E $26 CAVENDISH SUNSET CAMPGROUND
3. http://www.gov.pe.ca/visitorsguide/s...aderLanguage=E $22 STANHOPE CAMPGROUND


1. Bay Vista Motel & Cottage, 963-2225,(800) 846-0601,

9517 Cavendish Rd. West ,Cavendish PE,C0A 1E0

2. Anne Shirley Motel and Cottages, (800) 561-4266,(902) 368-3117,Cavendish Jct 6&13,Cavendish PE,C0A1M0 3 . Lakeview Lodge & Cottages, 902) 963-2436, (800) 565-7550,

8715 Cavendiish Road
,Route 6 unter River RR1 Cavendish , PE C0A 1N0


Day 5, Charlottetown –--- Cape Breton 的 Ingonish

Nova Scotia Information and reservations: 1-800-565-0000

Charlottetown TransCanada ---- Wood Islands Ferry –-- Caribou ($49/75min)

Ferry: (08:00), 09:30, 11:15, 12:45, 14:45, 16:15, 18:00, 19:30, 21;00
NOVA`SCOTIA 却是途径的这几个省里最美的,特别是它的 CAPE`BRETON 半岛非常值得一游。进入 CAPE BRETON 前准备好充足的引用水。
— Cape Breten 的海岸线是加东线最美的景色所在,值得花更多的时间细细品味,至少也要两天时间。
— Pleasant Bay 1 天:早晨从 Charlottetown 乘渡轮进入 Nova Stocia, 到达 Pleasant Bay 时一个上午也差不多就过去了,下午可以安排出海观鲸,晚上看日落。 Pleasant Bay 的日落绝对会给你留下深刻的印象,至今都难忘那漫天火烧般的晚霞,太阳一点点坠入天尽头的海平面,是一种让人窒息的美。
— 如果到达 Pleasant Bay 的时间比较早,可以在码头上等出海捕蟹的鱼船,幸运的话能买到超新鲜的活雪蟹,晚上再大剁一顿海鲜大餐。( 07 年的价格是 2.49$/LB )
— Ingonish 1 天:早晨从 Pleasant Bay 出发,沿途观赏世界最美的海岸线之一 Cape Breten 。最理想的是住在 Cape Breton 的 Highlands National Park ( Camping ),租辆自行车沿着 CARBOT TRAIL 附近的海岸线公路闲晃,迎着轻柔的海风,远眺大西洋的碧水蓝天,听着海浪拍打着悬崖峭壁下陡峭磷峋的岩石。。。。。这般的怡然自得可算是人生的极致享受吧。

Caribou, Ferry-------- >Havre Boucher 1.5 hrs

Havre Boucher ------- >Cheticamp 1:50 hr
Cheticamp----------- >Pleasant Bay 40 mins
Pleasant Bay -- ------- >Cape North 50 mins
Cape North ---------- >Ingonish 1 hr


1. Cape Breten 依山傍海公路 CARBOT TRAIL ;

2.Pleasant~Bay观鲸。 在 CARBOT~TRAIL 中间有个地方叫 PLEASANT~BAY 看到了鲸鱼。原来鲸鱼喜欢在下雨的时候游到海面嬉戏!鲸鱼的体形不大,但数量很多,有时鲸鱼就从船边 2 米的地方游过,有时就看着从船底下潜过。鲸鱼喷水的鼻孔长得有点象肚脐眼。


Toll Free: 1-888-754-5112, 902-224-1316, Pleasant Bay, Nova Scotia
3. Cape Breton Highlands国家公园经典Hiking线路Skyline Trail

Campsite reservation: 1-877-737-3783

1. Broad Cove campground, showers, kitchen, $25
2. Ingonish beach campground: washroom, showers, kitchen, $20
Motel (ingonish):
#1 http://www.ingonish.com/rockybay/ $70

Rocky Bay Cottages,33 Milton’s Lane, Ingonish,Nova Scotia,Canada ,B0C 1K0, 902 285-2020

#2 http://ingonish.com/islandinn/ $70-$80 include breakfast

( 902)285-2404 or 1-800-533-7015 $58 - $74 on the Cabot Trail, Ingonish Beach, Post: B0C 1K0

#3 http://www.ingonish.com/knotty/ $55
R.R.1, Ingonish Ferry, N.S. B0C 1L0

#4. Ingonish Chalets, 36784 Cabot Trail, Ingonish Beach, Cape Breton, N.S.B0C 1L0

1. Cheticamp campground $23
2. Plage Sai nt Pierre, shower, washroom, fire, ice, laundromat $23 http://www.cheticamp.ca/lestroispign...lities-eng.htm

Parkview Motel Ltd : 16546 Cabot Trail, Cheticamp, NS BOE 1HO, Canada 902-224-3232
Merry's Motel, 15356 Cabot Trail |
P.O. Box 1052 , Cheticamp , Nova Scotia B0E 1H0 , Canada

Day 6. Ingonish ---- Canso ------------------ ------ 466 km


1.Cape~Breton~Island依山傍海公路; CAPE~BRETON―― 被美国国家地理杂志评为全世界最美的地方之一,与加西的洛基山一起并列第二(排第一的是挪威的大峡湾)。 CAPEBRETON 属于 NOVASCOTIA ,但只与它却是一河之隔,是一个独立的岛。岛上东边的 LOUISBOURG 是法国在 1713~1758 年间管理 CAPEBRETON 殖民地的首都(要塞),于 1758 年被英军攻破。现在已经变成了历史遗产旅游区,但当时所有的东西都完好的保留着,包括服饰和风俗。

2. Baddeck镇贝尔故居(Alexander Graham Bell National Historic Site Bell Museum

Chebucto St
(Hwy 205)

3. Glace Bay 的 Miners Museum 42 Birkley Street Glace Bay NS B1A 5T8 ;

4. Louisburg国家历史遗迹公园 7330, Main Street,Louisbourg, Nova Scotia, B1C 1P5

5. Isle Madame 的 Pondville Beach 219 Pondville North Rd, Isle Madame

6. Canso 的 Grassy island National Historic Site

( Highway 104 to exit 37 Monastery. Follow Route 16 along Chedabucto Bay to Canso. or take TransCanada Highway 104 to exit 40 Aulds Cove and follow scenic Route 344 past the Strait of Canso to Route 16.)

motel in Canso:
160 Hwy 4;

Box 9626
, Port Hastings, NS, B9A 1M5

902-625-1300, 888-832-7593,

$85–119, XP $10, F(14); seniors’ discount; 6pm CXL policy.

Day 7 Canso ---- Halifax ------------ 6 hours

Canso-->Larrys River-->Goldboro-->Sherbrooke-->Sheet Harbour-->Ship harbour à Halifax


1." 灯塔之路 " 主要在 NOVA~SCOTIA 的东部,因为沿路上导航的灯塔一个接一个所以被冠以此名。灯塔之路是在最著名的灯塔 PEGGY'SCOVE 附近开始的。这个灯塔著名是因为它和周围的礁石、海岸融合成别致的美景,令人赞叹! 晚上住在 Peggy~Cove 附近 camping 或 MOTEL 。

Peggy’s Cove 是加东线的另一个重要景点。建议到达 Halifax 后直奔 Peggy’s Cove ,住在附近的 Cottage 或 Motel ,这样你可以至少看一次日出及一次日落,且白天游览 Halifax 市区、 Louisburg 及附近的景点,来回距离很近很方便。在这里你能真正体会到 “ 海上明月共潮生 ” 的壮观,也会油然叹出 “ 沧海月明珠有泪 ” 的怅茫;而看着那惊涛骇浪一波一波袭击着岸边的巨石,水花四处飞溅,那种震憾相信是一生都无以忘怀。。。。。

2. 游览 Maritime Museum of Atlantic

3. Halifax Citadel National Historic Park.

#1 Glen Margaret(wayside camping park) washroom, showers, fireplaces , ice, Laundromat, internet connection. $25 (902)823-2547, 823-2271 , Reserved.
#2 Indian Harbour washrooms, showers, fireplace $16 (902)823-2582

#1 http://www.oceanstone.ns.ca/html/rate_card.html $85

8650 Peggy’s Cove Road
Indian Harbour
, N.S. B3Z 3P4

Toll Free:



(902) 823-2160

#2 http://www.nsinns.com/BearRiverInnByTheBrook.htm $85
#3 http://www.geocities.com/cliftycovemotel/ $70

For Reservations : Call 1-888-254-3892
8444 Peggy's Cove Rd.
Indian Harbour N.S.
B3Z 3R1
#4 http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/lovers-lane/ $70
Peggy's Coveinformation: Judi Pace - Supervisor
109 Peggy's Point Rd
Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia B3Z 3S1
Phone: (902) 823-2253/2256
Fax: (902) 823-5501
Open: May 9 - Oct 31

Day 8 Halifax ---- Liverpool

Halifax ---Peggy’s cove: 35mins
Halifax-Lunenburg: 1hr, 90km
Halifax---Live rpool : 1hr, 40mins, 150 km


1. 最著名的灯塔 Peggy's

Cove Lighthouse Route

2. CHESTER 渔村 4171 Hwy. 3, RR#2, Suite 13, B0J 1J0

3. Mahone Bay 小镇 Hwy 103 (west), Exit 10 , 被誉为 “ 加拿大东部最美的小镇 ” ; B0J 2E0

4.` Lune nburg, ( 伦娜堡 ) 是 Nova~Scotia 省继 Halifax 之后的第二片英国殖民地 , 著名的世界文化遗产 , 停留 2 小时。此小镇房子多姿多彩 , 各种颜色都有 , 非常漂亮 .

Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic

68 Bluenose Drive ,
Lunenburg, Nova Scotia,
Canada B0J 2C0

Telephone: 902-634-4794
Toll Free 1-866-579-4909
Fax: 902-634-8990
5. 如果风景不错, 一直开到 Liverpool .

Whale watching:
#1 http://www.marinercruises.ns.ca/cruises.html $36
#2 http://www.brierislandwhalewatch.com/ $42
#3 http://www.ppww.ca/html/trip.html $45.

motel in Liverpool :

1. 27 Bristol Avenue Liverpool Nova Scotia B0T 1K0

2. Eagle's Nest Cabins
RR #1
Liverpool, NS, B0T 1K0, Canada
Telephone: +1 (902) 354-2940
E-mail address: paulanddoris@eastlink.ca

3. Lane's Privateer Inn

27-33 Bristol Avenue, PO Box 509
Liverpool, NS, B0T 1K0, Canada

Telephone: +1 (902) 354-3456
Fax: +1 (902) 354-7220
Toll-free number (in Canada and US only): 1-800-794-3332
E-mail address: info@lanesprivateerinn.com

Day 9 Liverpool ---- Digby

Digby 号称是世界 Scallop 之都。去 Digby 附近的渔村吃 Scallop, “ 扇贝 ” 。晚上在 east ferry CAMPING 。如果满了 , 或者太累就住 hotel.


1. East ferry

2. Free port

3. Yarmouth

(902)834-2025 $20 with shower, canteen, Laundromat

Information Digby:
Nova Scotia Visitor Information Centre

PO Box 1334
237 Shore Road
Digby, Nova Scotia B0V 1A0

Phone: (902) 245-2201
Fax: (902) 245-2396
Open: May 9 - Nov 3


1. 107 Across The Meadow, East Ferry Nova Scotia B0V 1E0

2. Bayside Inn, 115 Montague Row, Digby, N.S., B0V 1A0, -902-245-2247

3. Ocean Hillside B&B , 902 245 5932, shore road RR#3, Digby, NS, BOV 1A0

4 Summers Country Inn, $59.00 to $95.00,

16 Warwick St ,Digby Nova Scotia

Day 10 Digby ---- st John ---- Fredericton


1.Reversing falls (st john)

(1). Reversing Falls Shuttle

(506) 635-1999

200 Bridge Rd, Saint John, NB
(2). Reversing Falls Jet Boat Ride

(506) 634-8987
(888) 634-8987 Toll free

55 Fallsview Ave
Saint John, NB
, E2K1B8

2. 省府弗雷德里克顿(Fredericton)市容及圣约翰河滨区

(1). Historic Garrison District

457 Queen St.
Fredericton, NB

Tel: (506) 460 - 2041
Fax: (506) 460 – 2474

(2). Government House

51 Woodstock Rd.
Fredericton, NB

Tel: (506) 453 - 2505
Fax: (506) 444 – 5280

(3). Boyce Farmers' Market

665 George St.
Fredericton, NB

Tel: (506) 451 - 1815
Fax: (506) 455 – 6451


1. Howard Johnson Inn Woodstock NB 159 Route 555, Woodstock, NB E7M 6B5, (506) 328-3315

2. Fredericton Inn,

1315 Regent Street ,Fredericton, NB E3C 1A1

3. City Motel,

1216 Regent St., Fredericton, New Brunswick E3B 3Z4, Canada
, 506-450-9900 4. Fort Nashwaak Motel , $95/2days,
15 Riverside Dr, Fredericton, NB E3A 3X8
, 506-472-4411

5. Norfolk Motel, $49--

79 815 Riverside Drive , Fredericton, NB E3A 8R1
, 506-472-3278

6. Skyline Motel,

Forest Hill Rd , Fredericton, NB E3B 4K4
, 506-455-6683

Day 11 Fredericton ---- Montreal


1. 圣约翰河谷之旅, 沿途 Kings Landing Historical Settlement 遗址 , Route 2, ext.253,

20 Kings Landing Rd.

Kings Landing Hist. Sett., NB
Tel: (506) 363 - 4999
Fax: (506) 363 - 4989

2. HARTLAND 屋桥, HARTLAND ( 世界最长的廊桥 , 电影 ” 廊桥遗梦 ” 的拍摄地点),

Hartland on Covered Bridge off Route 2, Exit 170

3. GRAND FALL 大瀑布, Grand Falls Gorge, on the walking trails or by taking a pontoon tour

81 Burgess Street, Suite 100

Grand Falls, N.B.
E3Y 1C6

4.Antique automobile Museum

35, Principale St., Saint-Jacques, NB E7B 1V6
Tél: (506) 735-2637


Cavendish Beach 的红土海岸应该是 PI 的精华。建议住在 Cavendish 的 NATIONAL PARK ( Camping ),早上可以看日出,踏着浪花漫步沙滩,晚上枕着海涛声入眠。。。 ( 或者租附近的 Cottage 也是不错的选择 )

— 驾车沿环岛公路遛一圈,沿途可以观赏 PI 的 红土海岸,风格迥异的灯塔及田园风光。

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