
Letter to US President

(2011-11-14 16:55:33) 下一个

下面是我的朋友在2010年写给President Obama 的信, 当时共和党在国会大选中大胜. 从此白宫和国会各自为政,互不让步至今。接着12月初白宫宣布接待胡锦涛访美(2011.1). 2010- 12月底,Obama 总统到Hawaii 度假. 

November 2, 2010

Dear President Obama,

Aloha from Oahu, Hawaii.

During this uneasy time, I would like to introduce myself to you because of my very concerns about the future for the world, about the lives of billions of people in the United States of America, in the State of Hawaii Islands and in Fareast Asia .  ………

My major concern is the US foreign policy to the Far East and Southeast Asia. Without any doubts, the United States of America is still heavily involved in almost all stages of world revolution. Even in the fast growing China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, India and other East Asia nations has the United States (- its people and companies) achieved many many landmarks through history and particularly at present. The 21 century is a huge Pan Pacific Economic Stage, not a Military Battle field - I hope . At the very beginning of the Bush administration in 2000, the cold war mindset had almost targeted China for its 'Communism' political practices. However, the 9-1-1 in 2001 had changed so much (if not everything) for the US and the world. I believe, the current US Foreign policy has already adopted many changes, in deed, but are these and those changes enough?

The US must continue to adapt changes and to lead. Otherwise, someone else will leads the World. Nations are very like (individual) human beings everywhere. They are in populations, groups, and they have leaders and followers. If the existing leaders lost their wisdoms, leaderships change gradually or sometimes sadly in bloodshed ways. We must absolutely plan seeds for peace and regional stability in the region.

The US has the right tools to lead the region in peaceful ways. First of all, Fareast Asia and Southeast Asia including China has long been the military and religious mission fields of the United States' government and missionaries. Thus there are many good memories in recent history. China, on the other hand, in East Asia has no ambition to dominate the region militarily, though it is seeking to regain control of its lost territory in late 19th century and in early 20 th century. China's rise in power is a help for the US national security in many areas, such as reducing US military spending in Southeast Asia and Middle Asia if China can be a Strategic partner. This is very likely because it is largely depending on the US foreign policy, to continue and support China's rise and collect long term benefits from China's partnership. This is very obvious and predictable, if we look at the past 100 years' US-China diplomatic relationship.

Contrarily, forming a coalition without or against China in the region can be disastrous for the region and for the US. Let us take a close look at the history . Kingdom to kingdom, dynasty to dynasty, history forms with many lives sloughed and plenty of bloodshed. Not mentioning the 1st and 2 nd World Wars, it had come with wars and political trouble times when the US's dominance and leadership for the World is replacing the British Empire's in the 1910-1950s. From this point of view, military pursuit should never be the first to solve East Asia conflicts.

In recent years, Hillary Clinton's busy trips to Southeast Asia have already disrupted the peacefulness in East Asia. We all know, peace in East Asia was achieved through struggles in many generations in the region, and it is very precious. It is not right to pull those people back to military turmoil times again and it is very evil to make troubles for others and to seek own benefits. It is largely depending on the US side to direct where the region goes, peace or wars. I say again, it is the US who leads the region for peace. The US must have new World visions to revise our current foreign policy and strategies. I mean, the US current foreign policies are much better already than the old Cold War mindsets . Once US-China relations step on mutual trust, US can be greatly benefited for its national interests in economy .

Dear President, you can and must stop Hilary Clinton's disastrous current strategies, and strive to seek trust and partnership from China and form new world leaderships for peace and mutual benefits, not wars.

Respectfully and humbly wrote,


Note:  This post is to expect all Southeast Asia people should know what American really wants from Asia.  Are people in the region ready for world leaderships in the 21st Century, if not the US?

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