Clint Eastwood, 导演) 与 摩根·費里曼 (Morgan Freeman, 主演) 合作的又一部力作。
Nelson Mandela) 在经历了27年之久的狱中生活后终于于1990年获释。出狱后的曼德拉在1994-1999 年就任总统期间领导南非人民,竭力推動多元族群民主,终结了种族隔离制度。影片讲述了1995年曼德拉总统如何通过激励以南非橄榄球队队长 Francois Pienaar (麦特·戴蒙 Matt Damon 饰演) 为首的全体队员,将原本属于少数白人运动的活动推向全国民间,获得全国人民的支持,从而一举赢得当年在南非举行的橄榄球世界杯金杯的一个真实故事。片中情节随着世界杯比赛的进行高潮不断出现,情节扣人心弦。深受南非和世界人民爱戴的领袖曼德拉被摩根塑造的有血有肉,亲切感人。球队队长戴蒙的表演深沉,刚毅,也十分打动人心。戴蒙曾参与《心灵捕手》(Good Will Hunting)与《抢救雷恩大兵》(Saving Private Ryan) 的演出。
Invictus is a
2009 drama feature film based on
Nelson Mandela's life during the
1995 Rugby World Cup in
South Africa. Directed by
Clint Eastwood, the film stars
Morgan Freeman as the then
South African President Mandela, and
Matt Damon as
Francois Pienaar, the
South African team captain.
[2] The story is based on the
John Carlin book
Playing the Enemy: Nelson Mandela and the Game That Changed a Nation. The film was released in the United States on December 11, 2009. ------Wikipedia