
繁华的城市,热闹的街市,我们在这里度过生活的岁月。似乎是一个转身, 光阴就成了故事。一次回眸,岁月便成了风景。
異鄉儷人 (热门博主)
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July 23, 2011

(2012-06-05 11:32:50) 下一个
July 23, 2011
Today was fun,a lot of fun。I went boating with my dad,my grandmas oldest (I Iike him)brother。we rented a paddle boat for one hour. We paddled and paddled and enjoyed the little breeze we made with our speed. I paddled alone most of the way, but then, my dad helped me. My grandma's brother drove the boat. The most fun part of that trip was when I got to drive the boat myself and I almost ended up crashing the boat if my grandma's brother didn't help me steer it back on course. From then on, we decided that my grandma's brother was in charge of driving and my dad, my mom, and me took turns being the two paddlers and the sightseers. As for my grandma's brother, he could drive and sightsee. That boat trip was really fun. There is also something else I want to talk about. I was joking around at the mall about my mom being big bellied. Now, I know it is wrong and will never do it again.

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