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異鄉儷人 (热门博主)
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My Favorite Food

(2012-06-05 10:51:07) 下一个

                                                                My Favorite Food

My favorite food is blueberry waffles. I really, really like them. Blueberry waffles have a very sweet aroma that is orderly and fluffy to me. It smells like something sweet, but not sweet to the point it would make you choke. Something it smells like is cotton candy with very fine powdered hard sugar on top. So powdery, it is perfect, definitely no the type that would make you sneeze. Blueberry waffles are sweet but not to sweet. Like I mentioned before, it would never make you choke. Even Goldilocks would say just right. I love blueberry waffles.

As I mentioned in the first paragraph, blueberry waffles have a very sweet aroma you could never forget. It smells like blueberries, you would think, but to me, it smells like vanilla and sugar. Blueberry waffles' smell goes even further to the point that it almost makes you crazy to wait before eating it. It smells like a type of powder that has the sweetness of a fun dip bar. It smells like all of the good, sweet smelling things in the world that go together well, but should not. It smells like powdered sugar flavored with the sweetest blueberries on Earth. You would not understand this unless you bake a blueberry waffle.

My first time trying a blueberry waffle was at breakfast. You must be thinking that there is not other time you would eat a blueberry waffle, but sometimes I have them for lunch or dinner or for snack. Either way, my mom bought a sixty pack of blueberry waffles. Finally persuaded her to make me some. They are very easy to prepare. All you need is a conventional oven and some electricity. ..and your hands. All you have to do is stick the blueberry waffles in the oven and turn the dial to five minutes...and wait. After five minutes, the oven goes ding and you have blueberry waffles ready for you to eat.

The taste of a blueberry waffle is amazing. For one thing, it is very fluffy. It sort of is like a gummy when you eat it, except a gummy does not feel like it gets bigger and bigger in your mouth when you chew. It sort of reminds me about a type of candy that looks and tastes like cotton candy, but when you eat it, it grows bigger and bigger until you grow big. Either way, back to the topic. Blueberry waffles taste amazing.
To be honest, I really do not know why I like blueberry waffles. Just love everything about them. I like the powdered sugar aroma, the taste, and much much more that I have not mentioned, but still know about blueberry waffles, all of this you will understand when you eat blueberry waffles.

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