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異鄉儷人 (热门博主)
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Magnet school

(2012-06-05 10:14:08) 下一个

Why I Want to Go to the Magnet Middle School

By Michelle Shen


I really want to go to the Magnet Middle School.  I am going to tell you why.

For one thing, I (so far) have decided to be a doctor when I grow up.  So, Science is a sort of subject I have to be good at in order to be a doctor. Parkville Middle School has an Aquatic and Environmental science and I think that will help me get ready for my future.   I want to work up to my full potential so I can fulfill my dream. 

Even though I want to be a doctor, I still don’t know if I would change my mind in the future, so I decided to try out for Middle School’s Exploratory Program because I want to try out everything before I make a decision.  Magnet schools let you focus on one thing that you would like to specialize in.  I want to make sure that I make the right choice of what subject I am picking before I make a final decision.  In 6th grade, I get to try out everything so I can get a feeling of which type of programs I am most comfortable with and which types of programs I don’t really like.  Then, in 7th grade, you narrow it down to your two most favorite programs since you already know which ones you feel most comfortable with.  I can make sure that my choices for the programs are for the programs I like 100%.  Then, in 8th grade, I have to pick 1 program to stick to.  I think that is important because I can choose which one I like better in order to, again, make sure I am choosing the one I like.  Overall, I like the Exploratory Program because it narrows all the choices down and lets you think which programs are you favorite for 2 years (6th and 7th grade) instead of making you make a choice all of a sudden when you don’t even  know what the programs are like (in the application).

Another thing is that one of my best friends is also going to Parkville Middle School.  My mom and dad told me when I first enter Middle School; I would be lonely and have bad grades.  So, if my friend was there, I won’t be lonely at all.  That way, I can keep up my good grades.

So, I think that school is the right place for me.  My friends are there and it has everything to suit my future and me. 

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