(2010-04-23 10:15:30)
题目:恐怖变种霉菌美加西岸乱飘 人畜可能致命-ZT
研究报告今天指出,一种可能致命的霉菌株,正在美国西北部和加拿大卑诗省(British Columbia)人畜间散布。研究人员说,这种藉由空气传染的霉菌称作血清型B和C隐球菌(Cryptococcus gattii),通常只传染给器官移植者和爱滋病患等免疫系统受损的人,不过新霉菌株基因上已有不同。
美国北卡罗莱纳州杜克(Duke)大学的柏恩兹(Edmond Byrnes)说:“这种新霉菌令人担心,因为似乎会威胁其他健康的人类。”
1999年至2003年,病例大多仅局限于温哥华岛(Vancouver Island)。
另一报道:【Deadly Fungus Spreading Across United States And CanadaAn】
Airborne fungus known as Cryptococcus gattii is spreading among animals and people in the northwestern United States and the Canadian province of British Columbia.
This is very bad news as this particular strain of virus is very dangerous and in many cases is fatal to those who contract it.
According to health experts, the airborne virus only affects transplant and AIDS patients but is now being detected in otherwise healthy animals and people.
This new strain that has been detected is genetically different than previously known of strains, making it even more dangerous.
“This novel fungus is worrisome because it appears to be a threat to otherwise healthy people,” said Edmond Byrnes of Duke University in North Carolina,
The researchers documented 25 cases identified in the US, and found that the virus killed 25% of those infected people.
“The findings presented here document that the outbreak of C. gattii in Western North America is continuing to expand throughout this temperate region."
来源:dbtechno.com(Providing Science and technology news since 1996)