
240 questions

(2008-09-21 17:03:28) 下一个

According to the running timer, I’ve been working on these 135 questions for over 4 hours already.


4 hours without moving or fetching anything to drink or eat, it seems kind of impossible to me at this point. But the actual exam is going to last for about 6 hours, so I got two more hour to go, the only problem is, so far I only finished 135 out of 240 question, there are a whole chunk of 105 questions to go.


 Half of the task remains unsolved yet two thirds of the time elapsed. I feel the panic attack, sort of, if this were the actual test, I’m failed as it is.


I feel like I can’t go on anymore, my stamina is not as great as I thought it would be, plus, given the fact that my mobility is severely limited due to the broken limb. I feel stranded and defeated like an ant got stuck somewhere yet it’s too tiny and too vulnerable to change the status quo.


My phone was off; I purposely turned it off before I started the exam. Now I just stared at it as if it’s the only conduit with which I can reach the outside world, meanwhile I perfectly know the fact that calling anyone right now will not do me any good at all.


"It’s futile, you are doomed…."


There is a little voice in the back of somewhere saying that, oh, yeah? I don’t think so.


Big deal, I know what I am capable of doing, I know after practice, I can make it perfect. I just know it; it’s time for me to prove that I can do it since I got not much of time left at all.


It’s a battle, and I am the only soldier down here, with or without allies, I got to win it and pass it with flying colors.

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