Every underdog has its day?
(2008-08-01 11:04:22)
I have this slogan hanging on my wall.
Every time the cleaning lady comes in, she will murmur to herself: every underdog has its day? Not really. I don’t know if it’s true.
Sometimes I will chat with her a bit; sometimes I just got too swamped to say anything to her. But a “thank you” has never been omitted.
I used to work as a cleaning lady somewhere many years ago. I know how important a few words could mean to others, tipping is one thing, kind and warm greeting is another.
My friends are always amazed by what kind of “low pay” work I used to do, yep, that’s my humble starting point, I am proud of what I have done and what I am doing.
Any work worth doing, worth doing well. I believe in that and take it as my motto.