經文: 「常在我裡面的,我也常在他裡面,這人就多結果子。」(約翰福音十五:5) | |
在這節經文中,我們看到何謂新生命,何謂上帝應許門徒的聖靈工作,這也清楚反映什麼是信心的生活。 1.「不結果子的。」「結果子更多。」「叫你們的果子常存。」(約十五:2、8、16)信心生活的目的之一,就是多結果子,榮耀天父。 2.「修理乾淨。」——上帝的話活潑有功效,有如兩刃的利劍,可以修理乾淨我們的靈性雜渣。 3.「常在我裡面。」——親密的、不中斷的溝通團契。 4.「我也常在你們裡面。」——藉著聖靈,耶穌內住心中。 5.「離了我,你們就不能做什麼。」——極度的謙卑,承認自己一無所能,只有完全的仰賴耶穌。 6.「我的話也常在你們裡面。」「若遵守我的命令,就常在我的愛裡。」「你們若遵行我所吩咐的,就是我的朋友了。」——絕對的順服。 7.「我的話若常在你們裡面,凡你們所願意的,祈求就給你們成就。」——信心的寬廣面,上帝無限量的供應。 8.「這些事要成就在你們身上。」——禱告得蒙應允,不打折扣。 9.「我愛你們,正如同我父愛我一樣,你要住在我的愛裡。」——這是一種常活在主愛裡的信心生活。 10.「這些事我已經對你們說,是要叫我的喜樂,存在你們心裡,並叫你們的喜樂可以滿足。」——有滿足喜樂的生活。 11.「我給你們一個命令,就是要彼此相愛,像我愛你們一樣。」——這新命令藉著在我們心中的主愛,得以成就。 12.「我分派你們去結果子,叫你們的果子常存,使你們奉我的名,無論向父求什麼,祂就賜給你們。」——耶穌的名。 這是何等奇妙偉大! 這就是那穌所應許的信心生活,藉著聖靈的內住,得以成為可能。這是信徒迫切需要的真理信息,但遺憾的是,這在教會是多麼缺乏,但願弟兄姐妹都能存著一顆單純的信心,與絕對順服的心,讓主的應許,成就在我們身上。 | |
Scripture: "He that abideth in Me, and I in him, the same beareth much fruit."—JOHN xv. 5. | |
In this parable we see what the new life is, which the Lord promised His disciples for the work of the Holy Spirit. It clearly mirrors the life of faith. 1. "Not fruit," "more fruit," "much fruit," "fruit that abides" (vs. 2, 8, 16): The one object of the life of faith is to bear much fruit to the glory of God the Father. 2. Cleansing: v. 2. The indispensable cleansing through the Word that is sharper than a two-edged sword. 3. "Abide in Me": Intimate, continuous fellowship. 4. "I in you": Divine indwelling through the Spirit. 5. "Apart from Me ye can do nothing": Complete impotence, deep humility, constant dependence. 6. "My words abide in you," "If ye keep My commandments ye shall abide in My love," "Ye are My friends, if ye do the things I command you": Indispensable obedience. 7. "If My words abide in you, ye shall ask whatsoever ye will": Limitless confidence of faith. 8. "It shall be done unto you": Powerful answer to prayer. 9. "Even as the Father hath loved Me, I also have loved you; abide ye in My love": Life through faith in Him that loved Me. 10. "These things have I spoken unto you that My joy may be in you and that your joy may be fulfilled": Joy full and abiding. 11. "This is My commandment, that ye love one another, even as I have loved you": The new commandment kept through the power of Christ's love in our hearts. 12. "I appointed you that your fruit should abide, that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in My name, He will give it you": The all-prevailing Name of Christ. This is the life Christ makes possible for us and works in us through the Holy Spirit. This is the life so sadly wanting in the Church and yet so indispensable. This is the life assured to childlike faith and obedience. 慕安德烈每日靈修 God's Best Secrets by Andrew Murray | |