初听 Enya 的歌是 911 后开车上班的途中。Enya 的低声吟唱安详悠远,仿佛来自苍穹的回声。歌中唱到:" Who can say where the road goes/ Where the flows/ Only time。在她那缓缓倾泄的音韵之中,有一种不可抗拒的美扑面而来。我的心一下被她的歌声所震撼。之后,我常于夜澜人静时分,倾听她那极富魅力的歌喉以及圣诗一般的旋律。
从 Enya 的歌声中,你能品味出那丝静谧、空灵的美。
The first time I heard a song from Enya I could not believe that it has a human source! she has a beautiful voice. I heard the only time from the raido one day while I drove on the road. I heard this song and thought to myself that this is the most beautiful song that I have ever heard. Then I looked for more her songs. I found the lyrics and could found out exactly what she sings.