


(2008-01-27 14:00:20) 下一个

这个周末的天气难得好,一副像春天的样子。戴了小宝出去散步,路上有不少人, 看见熟面孔, 停下来问好,“难得的好天气啊“。“是呀是呀。“ 大家心照不喧,谁也没提春天是不是来了, 还有二月份哪。 抬起头, 天也特别蓝,飞机留下不少白尾气, 一道一道的, 附近飞行博物馆的古董飞机也出来了, 引擎嗡嗡的响着。 

转到Spring lane, 一眼就看见了人家花园前的水仙花开了, 虽然不多, 但总是希望啊。 想起了华兹华斯的黄水仙,“这时我的心被欢乐充满,, 并随着那水仙起舞翩翩。“

走不多远, 眼前一亮, 这家人家的篱笆下, snowdrop冒出来了。这是不是意味着冬天 即将结束了? 这花 特别耐寒, 天气越冷, 花期越长。

还有一户人家的 草坪前 有一大片 淡黄色的crocus, 这种花常见的是淡紫色的,又是一个惊喜。

晒着太阳 ,闻着新鲜空气, 小宝这时也睡了。该回去上网了和人分享:春天不远了!

附1 :
Thefirst sight of the bright heads of snowdrops peeping through the undergrowthsignals that winter is coming to an end in Britain.


 I Wandered Lonelyas a Cloud

 William Wordsworth

 I wandered lonely as a cloud

 That floats on high o'er vales and hills,

 When all at once I saw a crowd,

 A host, of golden daffodils;

 Beside the lake, beneath the trees,

 Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

 Continuous as the stars that shine

 And twinkle on the milky way,

 They stretched in never-ending line

  Alongthe margin of a bay:

  Tenthousand saw I at a glance,

  Tossingtheir heads in sprightly dance.

  Thewaves beside them danced; but they

  Out-didthe sparkling waves in glee:

  Apoet could not but be gay,

  Insuch a jocund company:

  Igazed--and gazed--but little thought

  Whatwealth the show to me had brought:

  Foroft, when on my couch I lie

  Invacant or in pensive mood,

 They flash upon that inward eye

  Whichis the bliss of solitude;

  Andthen my heart with pleasure fills,

  Anddances with the daffodils.

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