

Lucy learns counting and reading on the street.

(2007-11-13 01:33:28) 下一个
Mummy invented a game last friday. Lucy is busy playing since. It is called spot the numberjack game. Everytime we go out, Lucy and mummy look around, and try to find all the numbers on the street.

The game involves standing in front people's door, trying to read the door numbers; or standing behind the parked car, trying to read the number plate. Lucy is very enthusiatic about this game.

Mummy is not that sure any more, because half hour walk is elongated to at least an hour and half. Not mention the image we left in the rual english people's mind!

(Wait a second, baby is crying!!!)

And when Lucy is playing this game, she likes to talk to herself too. She goes " there is a triangle, it is .......4! ", then she looks at mummy, waiting.... Mummy imediately goes " well done, clever clog!" , " the tail is on the top, it is .....6" The tail is on the bottom, it is .....9!" " Looks like duck..... it is 2." " small hat... it is 1." big hat... it is 7". Since she was very young ( before 2) , she has no problem to regonise 3 and 5.

We used to play counting the cars or trees , or flowers or even slates on the pavements game. Sometimes we still play it. The other day she counted until 29, then the next she said twenty ten, twenty eleven, etc...... very good idea, but...

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