


(2021-08-12 16:53:06) 下一个

实盘荐股:欢迎探讨和不同意见。 如果买入请告知, 因为这是小盘股。

HALL, 还有10分钟, 4.14 即可买入, 明天也许还有4, 3.8 买入的机会, 半年目标8.

保险公司, 开公司的人应该知道它。BOOK AT 9.5. earnings JUST RELEASED.

正在改善的公司, 因季报突然下跌都是买进机会, 已有少量长仓, 今日盘后4.01大力补仓。

Net loss of $0.5 million, or $0.03 per share, Book value per share increased 4% to $9.84 per share as of June 30, 2021 as compared to $9.42 per share as of December 31, 2020.

catalysts: IPO of commertial business separation, investment gain, profit in the coming quarters.

but the class action suit against HALL was dismissed without prejudice a couple of weeks ago. May get filed again, but not looking good for the plaintiffs. This has been an overhang.

8/13 pre: 4.15 at 4000 for sale, that's MM's trap. Buy this and sell at 4.35 today if you want quick profit. 7:39 am 4.10 X 1800 at ask. Someone sold me 90 at 4.01 at 7:57 am. the 1800 ask lowed to 4.08, moved to 3000 x 4.1, moved to 4.06x1900. 16604 pre.

3.77 - 83000 8:37. 

bought more at 3.66, sold some at 3.9. 3.6 is short support.

8/13 3:20pm summary: 从昨天的盘后和今天盘前看,4.01, 4 最低, 似乎4形成支撑 (3.95 is 200 DAYS). 3.79是 50MA,MM杀到3.62最后一道防线。反弹至4后逐级下探。该主力一贯不按技术出牌。  

Target: Six months: 6.06     One year: 6.66
Support: Support1: 4.35    Support2: 3.62 
Resistance: Resistance1: 5.18    Resistance2: 5.70
Pivot: 4.81 
Moving Average: MA(5): 4.72     MA(20): 4.87 
MA(100): 4.36     MA(250): 3.75 




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