
talking and talking

(2008-02-18 22:48:01) 下一个
It is amazing that we were almost surprised every day in recent week or two by the little one's language progresses. He is using new words every day and some times he showed that he has a much more complicated brain than we thought.

this afternoon, I took him out on a trike walk. It was chilly. I pulled up the hoody over my head. he did not like it, I guess, because he then said" mommy, bu yao", then he added "mao zi", then he added again "dai mao zi". at this point I figured out: he did not like the way I look!

we went out to the small garden outside the gate. he started looking for ants along the stairs. but there was no ants. I told him because it was cold, all ants were sleeping at home. then he kept repeating "ants shui jiao le". daddy came back. the little one was so pleased. daddy asked what he was doing out there. he told daddy ants went to sleep. then he told dady to "kai men".

he is very interested in language now. He is aware of almost every new word I say, and tries to repeat and learn it. it is hard to believe just 2 month ago, I was a little worried since he was not talking much. But sure he has been very aware of the world around him, observing and learning even when he was not talking yet, and now, it is time to express himself!
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