
favorite songs

(2007-10-11 21:27:10) 下一个

NanNanloves kids songs. We bought a preschool songs CD and played for himfrom time to time. then one day he figured out where the song is from:putting a shining circle disk with a hole in the middle into that graything with logs of buttons and a few knobs! since then he started torequest music by presenting a CD to us and pointing to the player orjust pointing to the player. once the preschool tunes start to flow, hewill be very happy and start making a "Hm Hm sound and move his but upand down, like, eh, dancing?
songs he loves most should be "antsgo marching" and " there were 10 in the bed" . later we also found afunny song "down by the bay" works especially well when we feed him.the lyrics sound crazy but very funny. when we were out in Monterey bayaquarium, I sang this song in the cafeteria and he finished a whole jarof baby food. people sitting next to us probably wondered "have youever seen a bear combing his hair?" or "have you even seen a moosekissing a goose?" or "have you ever seen a whale with a polka dottail". silly, but funny and effective and when one sing it, one will bevery into the song and smile all the time.
and mommy discovered away to use "ants go marching" to put Nannan to slepp too. first, startit quick. a sleepy child is a fussy child. a fast paced song can drawhis attention and sooth him better. then you slowly slowly slow down.so when one ant is marching, it is like a rock and roll, and when 9 ofthem are out here, it turns into a lullaby. great deceived song forbabies who does not want to goto sleep (who does!)
as to classicalmusic, since he heard that Vivaldi's famous four seasons, he startedunderstanding that that kind of sound is just like the other sound,they are all music and you can dance to it! great, maybe he will beable to appreciate classical music... (this is mommy's own little wish!)
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