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1314西部行 (1) 爱疯

(2014-01-26 10:36:22) 下一个




西部的grand circle一直是我们的最爱。7年前,我们就开车兜了一圈。为了玩这一圈,我不知怎的发烧要上DSLR,于是请了Nikon的D80和挂机lens回家,临出发前一个晚上又败了40刀的个脚架和一个150刀的长焦。没想这一圈下来,烧上了摄影。三年前我们又去过一次,意犹未尽。去年圣诞,我们又去兜了一圈。非常想去看the Wave。可惜运气都输给了Vegas。没拿到permit。我们就找了dreamland tour guide去了South Coyote Buttes和White Pocket。



最有意思的是在13年的最后一天早晨,在Mesa Arch拍日出,突然人群中有人叫我名字,哈,原来是坛上的大师爱大米!!


行程是,Vegas --> Kanab,Utah (2 days) --> Page, AZ (2 days) --> Moab, Utah (3 days) --> MOnument Valley (1 day) --> Vegas

1. South Coyote Buttes
South Coyote Buttes
2. South Coyote Buttes
South Coyote Buttes
3. White Pocket
White Pocket
4. The road
The road
5. road to the Wave
road to the Wave
6. TaoStools, on Highway 89
TaoStools, on Highway 89
7. Horse Shoe Bending
Horse Shoe Bending
8. Lower Antelope Canyon -- LD拍的,LD的最爱
Lower Antelope Canyon
9. Balanced Rock, Arches -- LD拍的
Balanced Rock, Arches
10. Grand View, Island in the Sky, Canyonland NP -- LD拍的
Grand View, Island in the Sky, Canyonland NP
11. The North Window, Arches NP
The North Window, Arches NP
12. Park Avenue, Arches NP
Park Avenue, Arches NP
13. Delicate Arch, Arches NP -- we made it! 我们看到了delicate arch
Delicate Arch, Arches NP
14. Monument Valley
Monument Valley
[flickr images are scripted by http://yourflickr.daliphotography.de/wxc.php]


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