


(2007-08-14 07:27:33) 下一个


然后参观了免费的National Railway Museum,在Museum的大门旁边是York Eye,比起London Eye好小哦。

从Musuem出来,可能就10来分钟的路程,远远的就可以看到York Minster。

York Minster 可以参观的有Chapter House,Undercroft,Treasury and Crypt(不可以拍照),以及Central Tower。
Chapter House 的漂亮天花板

Central Tower


York's turbulent history can be traced back nearly 2,000 years. It begins in earnest in AD71 when the Romans, at the height of their powers, conquered the Celtic tribes known as the Brigantes and founded Eboracum which, by the fourth century, was the capital of lower Britain. In the seventh century, known as Eoferwic, it was the chief city of the Anglo-Saxon King Edwin of Northumbria and, two centuries later as Jorvik, it became an important trading centre for the Vikings. The city was ravaged by William the Conqueror, but by the Middle Ages it had again become an important commercial centre. In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries Tudor and Stuart kings were among its visitors, in Georgian times it was the social capital of the north, and in the 19th century, with the coming of the railway, its industrial future was assured. Today, while trade and industry are still important, it is the preservation of its long and varied history which has brought it world fame. For here, visitors can not only hear about England's history, they can actually see it and walk in it. York is truly ageless - a city for all time and all people.

Eboracum: Roman York--In AD71, the Roman Governor of Britain, Quintus Petilius Cerealis, led his troops orthwards from Lincoln to invade 'Brigantia'. Recognising a good military strongpoint, he based his camp at the juncture of two rivers, the Ouse and the Foss

Eoferwic: Anglo-Saxon York--After the Romans withdrew from Britain in the fifth century, the Anglo-Saxons began their invasion

Jorvik: Viking York--The Kingdom of Northumbria was in the midst of civil war when the Vikings raided and captured York in 866

Norman and Medieval York--William the Conqueror came to York in 1069 to subdue rebellion in the north. He ruthlessly pursued a policy of scorched earth, causing great destruction

The Age of Decline--All great cities undergo a period of decline during their history and York's occurred during Tudor times

The Civil war--During the reign of Elizabeth I, the Council of the North increased in importance and with it, York's revival and influence gathered momentum

Georgian York--Following the removal of the Royal Garrison from York in 1688, the city was gradually dominated by the local aristocracy and gentry

The Railway Age to the present day--An entrepreneur named George Hudson was largely responsible for bringing the railway to York in 1839

美丽的York我来了。出了车站,不远处就可以看到York Walls。

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