Principles from Dale Carnegie
How to enhance relationships?(all types, work, home, personal etc)
Become a friendlier Person by following?
1. Don't criticize, condemn, or complain.
2. Give honest, sincere appreciation.
3. Arouse in the other person an eager want.
4. Become genuinely interested in other people.
5. SMILE =)
6. Remember that a person's name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language.
7. Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves.
8. Talk in terms of the other person's interests.
9. Make the other person feel important and do it sincerely.
In addition?A few of things I have learned over the years?.
1. Start the day with giving appreciation and gratitude for all the wonderful things in your life.
2. Look at everyday and each moment as a life adventure.
3. It takes more effort to feel negative then positive
4. You choose if it is going to be a good day or a not so good day?Enthusiasm can make the difference in your entire day.
5. Don't take anything negative?personally.
6. You can make someone's day?with just a SMILE?
"The very best way in all the world to overcome self-consciousness and shyness is to get interested in other people and to think of them and, almost miraculously, your timidity will pass. Do something for other people. Practice deeds of kindness, acts of friendliness, and you'll be surprised to see what happens." ~ Dale Carnegie
"It's nice to be important?but it is more important to be nice."
“那些天路历程中的旅客,都安置在面向日出的高楼里。这楼名曰平安阁。”-- 就想说:感谢神!!然后,一切尽在不言中。。。
好感激神透过保罗给我们那么多那么全面细心的爱的教导!! 生活中和教会里出现的方方面面的人,我们都要用神的爱去爱!!
江江真棒!总结得太好了:“尊老爱幼,洁身自好,远离是非,诚实待人!!!” 阿门!!!!
求神就在我的身心灵里彻底动工,打碎我一切丑陋污秽的老自己,赐予我清洁的心,正直的灵! 把你公义、慈爱、温柔、谦卑和信实的性情放在我的心里,陶造我、炼净我,让我越来越像耶稣!!!
=========耶利米指责以色列对神不忠不信的态度, 并预言了神将对以色列人实行的惩罚。神欣赏利甲族人遵守先祖吩咐的做法,并给他们赏赐。神是公义的并奖惩分明。所以,顺服是唯一可行之事。不要存侥幸心理,事实上,任何错误都是要付出代价的!!
提摩太前书 5:1-5:25
=========真是语重心长啊!!尊老爱幼,洁身自好,远离是非,诚实待人!!!觉得保罗待提摩太就像自己的孩子一样,循循善诱,很感动!! 读这一段,感觉教会中的气氛很温馨。。。
诗篇 89:14-89:37
89:14-89:15 公义、公平、爱和信实是神宝座的基础,也是神统治的基础。我们作为基督的使者应当一视同仁。我们的行动要出于公义,公平,爱和信实。一切不公平,缺乏爱,或者不诚实的行动都不是来自神的。” 这还是圣经一再提到的“彼此相爱”。其实做起来很不容易,特别是有冲突,有和自己意见不一致的时候,容易爱自己多一点,替别人想的就不够了!!!前天还为一件很小的事,与朋友争论,不相上下,我平时都让着她,不大愿意争论,知道她很固执,很自信,但那天突然就不想让了,非要争个是非曲直。。。后来还是她退了一步,她说发现我其实很固执:))))
===========好的信息如同雪中送炭!骄傲和炫耀自己是可厌的!!要谦虚为人,学会倾听别人的意见,这是一种文化,一种修养,也会受益匪浅!!老去职责别人的人,其实失去了兼收并蓄别人的长处,和使自己不断完善的机会!! 学会倾听是一种很好的品德!!!
Principles from Dale Carnegie
How to enhance relationships?(all types, work, home, personal etc)
Become a friendlier Person by following?
1. Don't criticize, condemn, or complain.
2. Give honest, sincere appreciation.
3. Arouse in the other person an eager want.
4. Become genuinely interested in other people.
5. SMILE =)
6. Remember that a person's name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language.
7. Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves.
8. Talk in terms of the other person's interests.
9. Make the other person feel important and do it sincerely.
In addition?A few of things I have learned over the years?.
1. Start the day with giving appreciation and gratitude for all the wonderful things in your life.
2. Look at everyday and each moment as a life adventure.
3. It takes more effort to feel negative then positive
4. You choose if it is going to be a good day or a not so good day?Enthusiasm can make the difference in your entire day.
5. Don't take anything negative?personally.
6. You can make someone's day?with just a SMILE?
"The very best way in all the world to overcome self-consciousness and shyness is to get interested in other people and to think of them and, almost miraculously, your timidity will pass. Do something for other people. Practice deeds of kindness, acts of friendliness, and you'll be surprised to see what happens." ~ Dale Carnegie
"It's nice to be important?but it is more important to be nice."