财务自由 by 2018


读书笔记:The naked investor

(2007-09-01 18:20:24) 下一个

There is not much in this book I don't know. Most financial advisors care of their own interest, not yours. That's why I manage my own finance and investment.

According to the author "John Lawrence", Something to be considered for Mutual fund investment

1. Match Your Age to the Guaranteed Fixed-Income Portion of Your Retirement Portfolio.
For age 25-35, 50% growth, 20% Growth and fixed income, 20% bonds/Fixed income, 10% short term assets.
For age 35-45, 30% growth, 30% Growth and fixed income, 30% bonds/Fixed income, 10% short term assets.
2. Treat Risk like Saturated Fats, to be avoided or at least minimized.
3. Be realistic in your expectations for growth. 10-12% anual return are closer to reality
4. When making new rrsp investment in equities, avoid lump-sum purchases
5. Never purchase a DSC mutual fund
6. Pass on any mutual fund that charges more than the median MER for its category
7. Be Dumb enough to ask the smart questions
8. Favour no-load/low-MER mutual fund
9. Do not hold more than six to eight mutual funds in your portfolio
10. Never forget whose money it is

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