
方显英雄本色-- 股市投资探讨

SKF Update (13) 8/20/08

(2008-08-20 08:45:44) 下一个

Closed SKF short position at $129.8 

Make enough to cover the loss.  (136.5-129.8)x150 = $1005 - $800 (loss) = $205 (gain)

Up to  today,  finally get SKF from deep loss position ( $174) out with slight profit.

Now 100% in cash and total capital: 17400 + 205.

I will make one more trade for this example and then close it.

Take care.

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阅读 ()评论 (2)
whiteoak 回复 悄悄话 Thanks for sharing, this is a really awesome learning experience......Thanks a lot for taking time to post and share, really hope to see more....

老大不但是高手, 还是个难的的好人....
zythx 回复 悄悄话 Great job. Hope to see more real trade examples.